wdtEmojiBundle.emoji.replace_unified() not correctly replace emoji with variation modifiers in "emoji.min.js" but is working correctly in "emoji.js".
Probably cause by the minifier incorrectly converting the unicode characters on this line:
self.rx_unified = new RegExp('(' + a.join('|') + ')(\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?', "g");
wdtEmojiBundle.emoji.replace_unified() not correctly replace emoji with variation modifiers in "emoji.min.js" but is working correctly in "emoji.js".
Probably cause by the minifier incorrectly converting the unicode characters on this line:
self.rx_unified = new RegExp('(' + a.join('|') + ')(\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?', "g");