Thank you verymuch for developing this interesting module for multi tenancy and its helping me alot.
Can we have forFeatureAsync implementation on TenancyModule? So We can inject providers and configure collection naming like how MongooseModule have forFeatureAsync.
This would be a great addition to allow maintaining multiple collections with dynamic names for same schema.
Thanks for all of your efforts. Looking forward to your reply :)
Hi @sandeepsuvit, I hope you are doing well.
Thank you verymuch for developing this interesting module for multi tenancy and its helping me alot.
Can we have forFeatureAsync implementation on TenancyModule? So We can inject providers and configure collection naming like how MongooseModule have forFeatureAsync.
This would be a great addition to allow maintaining multiple collections with dynamic names for same schema.
Thanks for all of your efforts. Looking forward to your reply :)