needle-tools / selective-profiling

Selectively deep profile single methods while your game is running in Unity's Profiler 🔬
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Batch build failing with package installed #23

Open RodGreen opened 1 year ago

RodGreen commented 1 year ago

This package caused our jenkins batch build process to fail (Unity 2022.2.16f1) -quit -batchmode -buildWindows64Player "${WORKSPACE}\AutoBuild\Active\Game.exe" -logFile - | findstr "^" The unity batch build completes (everything wraps up) but then hangs and causes a return error code.

Timeout after 300 seconds while waiting async operations to finish. executeMethod '' Aborting batchmode due to failure: Timeout after 300 seconds while waiting async operations to finish. executeMethod '' Exiting without the bug reporter. Application will terminate with return code 1

Confirmed by removing the package and build succeeds again.

marwie commented 1 year ago

Hello @RodGreen thanks for the report

I'm not entirely sure why this happens. Could you perhaps ry adding if(Application.isBatchMode) return; in the methods that initialize selective profiler?