needs-coffee / Whatsapp-android-to-ios-guide

A guide for migrating whatsapp messages from android to iOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
58 stars 3 forks source link

Got the following issue when running the final migration #2

Open ammadanjumch opened 2 years ago

ammadanjumch commented 2 years ago

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: ' -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: key cannot be nil'


ammadanjumch commented 2 years ago

any insight @needs-coffee ?

needs-coffee commented 2 years ago

what command did you run to create the exception above? and what are the versions of the apps you are using - there may be a bug caused by whatsapp changing the database format

needs-coffee commented 2 years ago

see residentsummer/watoi#50

ammadanjumch commented 2 years ago

that's what i ran @needs-coffee build/Release/watoi msgstore.db ./ChatStorage.sqlite app/Payload/

ammadanjumch commented 2 years ago

App Version on iPhone:

ammadanjumch commented 2 years ago

For ADB version i installed

needs-coffee commented 2 years ago

The versions I used which worked were 2.21.243 for iOS and for android

you could try message extraction and conversion steps again with these versions, or try and android one at least as old as the one I used. Also if you have older backups from your android phone (in the same folder as the .crypt14 file) you could try those as well