neekeetab / CachingPlayerItem

Play and cache media content simultaneously on your iOS device
MIT License
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is there a way to get the timedMetadata from CachingPlayerItem #34

Open satyres opened 4 years ago

satyres commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this amazing piece of code. i want to be able to get the timedMetadata from CachingPlayerItem , i've added addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "timedMetadata", options:, context: nil) and

 if keyPath != "timedMetadata" { return }

               let data: AVPlayerItem = object as! AVPlayerItem

               for item in data.timedMetadata! {
                   print("from caching = \(item.value!)")

but i can't get anything can you please help me regards

jkcarraher commented 11 months ago
