neelbhat88 / imuadev

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Student selection #841

Closed Jakeah closed 9 years ago

Jakeah commented 9 years ago

Created directive for student selector. Doesn't have search functionality built in, and haven't refactored out the current code on the students page yet. It is, however, ready to drop in wherever we need it. Currently, the only communication that's happening between the two with a emit/on function is the 'select all' for each sub grouping. Since these properties are specific to each page, I haven't abstracted that idea out yet.

Let me know if you see places to improve/change and I will.

neelbhat88 commented 9 years ago

Looks good - merge away. Whenever you get a chance can you add a comment in the directive so we know what needs to be defined in the parent controller for the directive to work (if anything). Since there isn't an isolate scope (nothing being passed into the directive) I'm assuming something needs to be on the parent controller. This way it's easy for any of us to quickly add this to a page