Closed jej closed 14 years ago
Good thing that /public routing is there only in master branch and not in a released gem.
Do you think this fix takes care of that.
thanks for reporting.
I think the bug exists in the gem version... I am not using the master branch.
Thanks for the patch, but there is a mistake that avoid to get access to the .css/.js. I don't understand why you test for the Rails.root, as the files are hosted in the admin_data lib dir:
> > unless[:plugin_dir], 'lib')).match(File.expand_path(f))
Cheers, Jej
I released a new version of gem. You are right where gem is installed might not be Rails.root. I am trying to get rid of plugin_dir so I can't use that.
All I need to check is that code must be css or js. that's what it does
I think you should also forbid ".." in the url.
But as generally consideration, your public_controller is a very bad idea, IMO. You could make a rake task to install these files in the /app/public directory or look for a rails proper solution. That's not your job to emulate the static files serving (in this particular case, js/css), rails does it better.
Well, your plugin is useful but I definitly not include it in the production environment.
I understand but I want admin_data to be 100% non-invasive.
public controller came because of a patch from someone else. Before that admin_data used to read the file itself.
Today I will remove public controller and will read the file internally. That will make things much safer.
So maybe you can have a look at "Rails 3 Engines/Plugins and Static Assets " (
Wow. Now I know what's on agenda for this weekend. I will read up.
I think you don't have so much solutions to manage public assets (ActionDispatch::Static). I don't know what is the best practice for rails 2, maybe copying in /app/public is the (worst) best.
Cheers, Jej
rails 2 uses plugin version of admin_data which reads the file internally. So public asset is not an issue there.
This gem version is only for rails3. And I am going to use ActionDispatch::Static to serve the files as you mentioned. Thanks. Will update you when I get it working.
Thanks for that. Good luck.
The middleware is rendering the data from the main project's public directory. Since I am not copying assets to public directory I can't use middleware approach.
I guess the safest thing would be to go back to old style and kill public controller.
Are you sure of that? It seems possible to serve assets from public gem dir. Look at this exemple:
Particularly this commit (including a fix for serving public assets from the built gem):
I didn't try this plugin to see if it works as you expect, but it seems to...
Cheers, Jej
ps: I guess #{root} refers to the gem root plugin.
well in that case I will I will give a real try . will let u know how that goes. Thanks for the pointer.
nobody::-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false root::0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh daemon:*:1:1:System Services:/var/root:/usr/bin/false .../...
Despite the security restrictions in ~/config/initializers/admin_data.rb
Just need to know how deep is /admin_data-1.0.21/lib in the filesystem.
Cheers, Jej