neerajsingh0101 / admin_data

A non instrusive gem which helps you browse, search and manage your data using browser
MIT License
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field is exactly "" returns all fields #77

Closed rdp closed 13 years ago

rdp commented 13 years ago

Hello. When I use admin_data (rails2 here), and I choose "advance search" and say "original_url" "is exactly" and leave the third field blank, I'd expect to find all product's with a blank description. Instead, it seems to show all products, as if it were ignoring the query. (As a side note, having the query params as GET params might be nicer for bookmarkable queries). Cheers! -roger-

neerajsingh0101 commented 13 years ago

Hi rdp,

You are right. It does not work very well with blank entries.

Since you are working on rails 2 branch, I can't really do much since I do not have time to support Rails 2 branch.

When you upgrade your app to Rails3 then try out the newest gem and hopefully that will fix your problem.
