neerajsingh0101 / admin_data

A non instrusive gem which helps you browse, search and manage your data using browser
MIT License
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Is it possible to use admin_data with Kaminari paging? #92

Open medvedev84 opened 12 years ago

medvedev84 commented 12 years ago

Hi, guys! My app stored at Heroku free account, so I don't have access to my DB via browser, I can only download it to my local computer. Since this is very uncomfortable I want to use 'active_admin', but my app uses 'kaminari' paging and 'admin_data' depends on 'will_paginate', so when I run my app with 'admin_data' I get error: undefined local variable or method `per' for #ActiveRecord::Relation:0x69e93e8

Is it possible to use 'admin_data' with 'kaminari' paging?

chrise86 commented 12 years ago

I've created a fork using Kaminari here - it seems to be working ok so far...