negipo / rails-finder

Atom package to enable fuzzy find with rails project
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor FuzzyFinderView cannot be invoked without 'new' #10

Closed negipo closed 6 years ago

negipo commented 6 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.26.1 x64 Electron: 1.7.11 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6 Thrown From: rails-finder package 0.10.0

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor FuzzyFinderView cannot be invoked without 'new'

At /Users/po/src/

TypeError: Class constructor FuzzyFinderView cannot be invoked without 'new'
    at new View (/Users/po/src/
    at Object.getView (/Users/po/src/
    at Object.getPathes (/Users/po/src/
    at HTMLElement.atom.commands.add.rails-finder:toggle-controller (/Users/po/src/
    at CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
    at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/
    at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/
    at WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/Applications/


     -0:18.7.0 core:close (atom-pane.pane)
  3x -0:16.9.0 vim-mode-plus:move-up-screen (input.hidden-input)
     -0:16.2.0 rails-finder:toggle-controller (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

advanced-open-file 0.16.8 
atom-fuzzy-grep 0.17.2 
auto-update-packages 1.0.1 
autocomplete-glsl 0.2.3 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
clipboard-plus 0.5.1 
close-other-panes 0.6.0 
close-pane-with-moving-items 0.8.0 
css-snippets 1.1.0 
custom-title 1.0.1 
demo-mode 0.4.1 
file-explorer 0.3.0 
file-icons 2.1.19 
find-selection 0.16.0 
git-plus undefined 
hey-pane 1.1.0 
inline-git-diff 2.3.0 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-digdag 0.0.2 
language-gitignore 0.3.0 
language-glsl 2.0.4 
language-haml 0.31.1 
language-hcl 0.4.0 
language-matlab 0.2.1 
language-plantuml 0.2.0 
language-rspec 0.10.0 
language-slim 1.0.0 
language-tjs 0.6.2 
language-vue 0.23.1 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-eslint 8.4.1 
linter-glsl 2.1.4 
linter-ui-default 1.7.1 
merge-conflicts 1.4.5 
monokai 0.24.0 
narrow 0.65.0 
open-recent 5.0.0 
pen-paper-coffee-syntax 0.14.9 
permanent-delete 0.1.7 
pigments 0.40.2 
plantuml-viewer 0.7.2 
project-manager 3.3.5 
quick-highlight 0.13.0 
rails-finder 0.10.0 
rails-snippets 2.18.0 
rails-transporter 1.7.1 
recent-finder 0.5.1 
rspec 0.4.0 
rspec-snippets 0.4.0 
set-syntax 0.4.0 
show-ideographic-space 1.0.2 
solarized-dark-ui 0.3.2 
sync-settings 0.8.6 
trailing-spaces 0.4.0 
tree-view-git-branch 0.1.2 
tree-view-git-status 1.5.0 
vim-mode-plus 1.32.0 
vim-mode-plus-move-to-symbols 0.5.0 
vim-mode-visual-block 0.2.16 
wordcount 2.10.4 
Zen 0.18.0