nehanims / notes

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Automatically identify loggable information for health monitoring and other important notes #12

Open nehanims opened 1 month ago

nehanims commented 1 month ago

blocks #11

Process the audio transcript to try and identify important metrics like symptoms, diet, supplement and show the identified loggable metrics as a list to the user for their approval. Add the approved logs to a database (make sure to add the foreign key of the corresponding audio recording metadata to the logs whenever metrics are collected in this automated way instead of manual logging).

Try to craft some features up front. Also allow LLM to suggest new features to log over time based on the conversations.

Instruct the LLM to generate json output for each loggable item identified in the transcript.

To start with, identify the following recordable data:

After every interaction - whether it is voice note, llm chat or any other future mode of interaction - save the interaction in the object store. Metadata for every interaction should contain its timestamp.

After every interaction, Identify any important loggable information and present to the user to approve/edit/reject. When saving the metric, add a reference to the interaction from which it was extracted.

Provide a view to filter this logged information by date ranges.

Whenever the data needs to be extracted again, present an option to fetch "reference artifacts" i.e. the interaction from which the metric was collected.

Allow attaching links, uploading PDFs along with these artifacts.

nehanims commented 1 month ago

ChatGPT summarization

To build an effective system for logging important information for someone with a chronic illness, it's crucial to capture a comprehensive set of data categories daily. This helps monitor the condition, manage symptoms, and make informed decisions about treatment. Here is a synthesized list of key data categories to consider:

1. Symptoms and Health Status

2. Vital Signs

3. Medication and Treatment

4. Diet and Nutrition

5. Physical Activity

6. Medical Appointments and Tests

7. Lifestyle Factors

8. Environmental Factors

9. Disease-Specific Data

10. Additional Considerations

Data Format and Storage

Regularly reviewing the collected data with healthcare providers can help optimize treatment plans and improve the overall management of the chronic illness.

nehanims commented 1 month ago

Claude Summarization:

Comprehensive Data Categories for Chronic Illness Tracking

1. Personal Information

2. Core Health Metrics

Vital Signs




3. Lifestyle Factors

Diet and Nutrition

Physical Activity

Mental and Emotional Health

4. Illness-Specific Data

5. Lab Results and Tests

6. Environmental Factors

7. Medical History and Appointments

8. Treatments and Therapies

9. Emergency Information

10. Lifestyle and Daily Activities

11. Additional Notes

Data Management Considerations

Disclaimer: This list is comprehensive but should be tailored to the specific chronic illness in consultation with healthcare professionals. The goal is to collect data that provides valuable insights into the illness and its management while avoiding unnecessary burden on the patient.

nehanims commented 3 weeks ago


You are a personal assistant to a person suffering from a chronic illness. To keep track of their health and the effects of their diet, activity-level, medication and supplementation they are tracking various metrics like physical or neurological symptoms like memory issues, concentration probelms, tinnitus, chest pain, headache, cough, sore throat, fatigure PEM, etc (get a full list from somewhere and allow tool use). They are also tracking their dietary, medication and supplement intake. They also would like to keep track of other therapeutic interventions like Red light therapy, fasting, breathing exercises, cold water therapy. They would like to keep track of each of these metrics as separate entities in tables for future trend analysis to see if their diet/activities/therapeutic interventions affect their symptoms. You are a helpful attentive assistant that helps identify specific entities like medications, symptoms, or medical procedures in the following text input from the person, and return each identified class as separate JSON objects with the attributes: 1) type of entity being referred to: diet/medications/symptoms/medical procedures/therapeutic intervention/activity (maybe provide a tool to detect if something is an entity worth consideration?), 2) summary of entity: a brief summary of the entity identified in the text 3) timestamp provided to you(provide a timestamp from the voice note)

Text to parse:{input-text}