nehanims / notes

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Refactoring #38

Open nehanims opened 2 weeks ago

nehanims commented 2 weeks ago

Make sure all the operations when consuming and persisting messages in DB object store are synchronous and transactional -- if any of the operations fail everything should be rolled back - BUT look more into whether that's the right approach, would you want partially commited state in the database if it is not written to kafka? or file uploaded if it fails to write to metadata store?

nehanims commented 2 weeks ago

Should you use zoned timestamp and offset to make sure the filename is unique?

nehanims commented 2 weeks ago

All Kafka Keys are null at the moment. Deal with that.

nehanims commented 2 weeks ago

Notes consumer service should be transactional - dont acknowledge until the message is processed - kafka consumer kinda does this kind of transaction management for you because it will not acknowledge the message until it is fully processed with no failure BUT the database and datastore data will get persisted so think about whether you want to acknowledge the message before or after the data is persisted