neighbour-hoods / timetracking-applet

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`__get_agent_activity` unknown env variable conductor error #10

Open weswalla opened 1 year ago

weswalla commented 1 year ago

when trying to run this app:

I get the following conductor error: [1] Error: Failed to install app: Expected AdminResponse::AppInstalled but got Error(InternalError("Conductor returned an error while using a ConductorApi: RibosomeError(WasmRuntimeError(RuntimeError { source: User(WasmError { file: \"crates/holochain/src/core/ribosome/\", line: 426, error: Compile(\"Error while importing \\\"env\\\".\\\"__get_agent_activity\\\": unknown import. Expected Function(FunctionType { params: [I32, I32], results: [I64] })\") }), wasm_trace: [], native_trace: 0: <unknown>\n 1: <unknown>\n 2: <unknown>\n 3: <unknown>\n 4: <unknown>\n 5: <unknown>\n 6: <unknown>\n 7: <unknown>\n 8: <unknown>\n 9: <unknown>\n 10: <unknown>\n 11: <unknown>\n 12: <unknown>\n 13: <unknown>\n 14: <unknown>\n 15: <unknown>\n 16: <unknown>\n 17: <unknown>\n 18: <unknown>\n 19: <unknown>\n 20: <unknown>\n 21: <unknown>\n 22: <unknown>\n 23: <unknown>\n 24: <unknown>\n 25: <unknown>\n 26: <unknown>\n 27: <unknown>\n 28: <unknown>\n 29: <unknown>\n 30: <unknown>\n 31: <unknown>\n }))"))

pospi commented 1 year ago

Very weird. My only guess is possible platform updates but I wouldn't think that could be right what with Nix flakes... latest version, have cloned from scratch or run npm run clean first to ensure no stale binaries and all that?

weswalla commented 1 year ago

tried doing both of those suggestions but still getting the same error.

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

This looks like a Holochain version mismatch between the build environment and the running environment. They did rewrite Holonix to use nix flakes, and maybe there's an error somewhere where a version is underspecified somehow. What platform are you both using? I'm going to see if I can recreate this on my M1 processor.

weswalla commented 1 year ago

mac M1

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

I actually get quite a lot of warnings which indicate that peer dependencies might be underspecified. I also get the same issue on my M1:

pospi commented 1 year ago

peerDependencies warnings shouldn't matter, modules just complain a bit currently in the way that they're set up.


adaburrows commented 1 year ago

It looks like this is actually related to downloading the DNAs instead of building them locally. The version of Holochain installed isn't pinned to the minor version number. For instance, I have Holochain v0.1.3 installed when I run nix develop instead of 0.1.1 which is what the flake file looks like it wants, but at least on my Apple M1 it doesn't honor that.

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

To fix this it looks like you'll need to update the line in the flake.nix to not use underscores:

inputs.holochain.url = "github:holochain/holochain/holochain-0.1.1";
adaburrows commented 1 year ago

ARRRRG! It turns out if I do that, then it just doesn't build on my M1. I'm going to try Holochain 0.1.2 next.

~/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet table-integration* 17s                                                                                                                                              23:22:12
❯ nix develop
warning: Git tree '/Users/jillianburrows/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet' is dirty
warning: updating lock file '/Users/jillianburrows/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet/flake.lock':
• Updated input 'holochain-dev/holochain':
    follows 'holochain-dev/versions/holochain'
  → 'github:holochain/holochain/44f2a47cf0c39368be3fc860d6bcceeb824390d1' (2023-02-01)
warning: Git tree '/Users/jillianburrows/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet' is dirty
warning: Git tree '/Users/jillianburrows/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet' is dirty
error: builder for '/nix/store/xb3f2761r8d64bzykbzmgq1j62icl6xg-holochain-workspace.drv' failed with exit code 101;
       last 10 log lines:
       >   cargo:rerun-if-changed=./src/sql/cell/update_dep_activity.sql
       >   cargo:rerun-if-changed=./src/sql/cell/update_dep_create_link.sql
       >   cargo:rerun-if-changed=./src/sql/conductor/schema/0.sql
       >   cargo:rerun-if-changed=./src/sql/conductor/nonce_already_seen.sql
       >   cargo:rerun-if-changed=./src/sql/conductor/delete_expired_nonce.sql
       >   --- stderr
       >   thread 'main' panicked at 'Error while checking schema: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }, path = "./src/sql/cell/schema/1-up.sql"', crates/holochain_sqlite/
       >   note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
       > warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/xb3f2761r8d64bzykbzmgq1j62icl6xg-holochain-workspace.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/hvqsjb8nn3yxc3rlw37rrgkz1wm3wxhs-nix-shell-env.drv' failed to build

~/workspace/nh/timetracking-applet table-integration* 5m 26s
adaburrows commented 1 year ago

Ok, the build for version 0.1.2 works on Apple M1. If you're not using it already, you should upgrade so we can actually collaborate on this code. Maybe we should probably also try to pin this for the whole ecosystem for now, so every zome in every project should be theoretically compatible.

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

Oh, as much as it pains me to say it. The version 0.1.3 is much more fleshed out in terms of Nix. Perhaps we need to change it to that.

weswalla commented 1 year ago

It looks like this is actually related to downloading the DNAs instead of building them locally. The version of Holochain installed isn't pinned to the minor version number. For instance, I have Holochain v0.1.3 installed when I run nix develop instead of 0.1.1 which is what the flake file looks like it wants, but at least on my Apple M1 it doesn't honor that.

So @adaburrows you think that the issue is that the .dna files that are downloaded from hREA are built on an incompatible version of holochain than what nix develop uses?

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

There's two problems:

  1. We need to be to install a particular pinned version of Holochain using Nix. Currently, we can only pin and install v0.1.3 and above on Apple M1 silicon, anything less than that still installs v0.1.3.
  2. The process used to build the zomes needs to used the same pinned version as we are using. Otherwise if we just all build our own versions we will experience network fragmentation across each built version when testing between people.

So we need to pin the proper version that works on Apple silicon (0.1.3 is sufficient) and we need to be able to download the zomes for the version of Holochain that is pinned in Nix. Currently, I see there is a version of hREA zomes built for 0.1.3. So that part is done. I'm going to get PRs in for our repos to update the flake.nix to Holochain v0.1.3. My test on our NH Launcher repo worked, so I can get that in soon.

pospi commented 1 year ago

pinned to 0.1.3 now, But @weswalla is still getting the error...

pospi commented 1 year ago

Oops, hadn't pushed! Try it now after re-entering your Nix env, 39a67fe should fix.

adaburrows commented 1 year ago

Ah, yeah, without a pinned version it would have automatically installed v0.2.0 instead of v0.1.3.