neiist-dev / neiist-website

A website where you can keep up to date with NEIIST. A platform to help students find the right Master's thesis. A place for NEIIST's members to get involved with the association.
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Database Refactor #237

Open nelsontr opened 1 year ago

nelsontr commented 1 year ago

In our database, we have a bunch of tables that have different contexts. For example, elections and options are only use for online voting, theses and areas are only used when acessing Thesys Master (not working). A new database infrastructure should be implement in order to take advantage of schemas and to centralize a user information in one specific table (now, the email and name are present in members table and other relevant information in collabs).

nelsontr commented 1 year ago

Something like this: image

Done with NN - Not Null, Serial - Integer automatically calculated and incremented according to last record,


nelsontr commented 1 year ago

Current State: image

Lack of schemas; Lack of necessary Foreign Keys; Lack of Data Structure Organization