better camera controls for full fly-around (the standard ones messed with dat.gui: maybe just need specific div for rendering to)
add lots" button
"vary lot size" slider
createLane button (and remove lane)
individual building control - perhaps like cubistan with a selection ray (also include a "select all" button to, e.g., modify all setbacks)
individual lane widths, heights and colours. (Heights especially important for multi-way boulevards which have a curbed divider between the access lane and the through lanes.)
some way to choose whether adjustments happen to individual lots, buildings, lanes or to all lots, buildings lanes (see the cubistan example for projecting a ray to select an object - can we select multiple objects? only makes sense to allow multiple select of objects of the same type, i.e. lot, lane or primary building)
different floor heights
sloped top floor (roof)
general code tidy up: functions, variable names
presaved settings (dat.gui hopefully makes this easy) with photos for T1 to T6, Vancouver local street, arterial, Paris street, boulevard etc.
lighting and shadow (just a question of three.js camera settings)
add street textures: I have tarmac, sidewalk textures
add trees, cars, people, bikes to street (I'm imagining a single 3D model of each imported from sketchup)
secondary suites (laneway house, or at least garage)