(Code | Surround With) You can customize the bodies of the generated catch blocks on the Code tab of File | Settings | File and Code Templates.
traditional autocompletion and name suggestion
accept the suggestion
a list of valid parameters
close tabs in the editor
(Code | Generate)
simplify complicated statements in your code
Class Navi
last modified place
inheritance hierarchy for a selected class
all places where a particular class, method or variable is used in the whole project by positioning the caret at the symbol's name or at its usage in code and pressing ⌥F7 (Edit | Find | Find Usages in the popup menu).
See javadoc
browser view doc
To quickly select the currently edited element (class, file, method or field) in any view (Project view, Structure view or other)
(extend selection) in the editor selects the word at the caret and then selects expanding areas of the source code. For example, it may select a method name, then the expression that calls this method, then the whole statement, then the containing block, etc. You can also select the word at the caret and the expanding areas of the source code by double-clicking the target areas in the editor.
To navigate to the declaration of a class, method or variable used somewhere in the code, position the caret at the usage and press ⌘B (Navigate | Declaration). You can also click the mouse on usages with the Ctrl key pressed to jump to declarations.
To navigate to the implementation(s) of an abstract method
to see the declaration of the current method without the need to scroll to it.
The ⎋ key in any tool window moves the focus to the editor.
⇧⎋ moves the focus to the editor and also hides the current (or last active) tool window.
The F12 key moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window.
To easily evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, select its text in the editor (you may press a ⌥↑ a few times to efficiently perform this operation) and press ⌥F8.
To quickly evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, hold Alt and click this expression to see its value and calculate it, call a method, etc.
search for class⇧⌘O
search for file⌥⌘O
anything in file⌘F12
struture in file⌘E
recent filesF2/⇧F2
syntac error jump⌥⌘↑/⌥⌘↓
compiler error jump⇧⌘F7
(Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File) to quickly highlight usages of some variable in the current file.⌘G
keys to navigate through highlighted usages.⎋
to remove highlighting.Movement
keys to quickly move between methods in the editor.Edit
Code | Reformat Code
(Refactor | Rename)⌃O
The ⎋ key in any tool window moves the focus to the editor. ⇧⎋ moves the focus to the editor and also hides the current (or last active) tool window. The F12 key moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window.
To easily evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, select its text in the editor (you may press a ⌥↑ a few times to efficiently perform this operation) and press ⌥F8.
To quickly evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, hold Alt and click this expression to see its value and calculate it, call a method, etc.
Function to Try