neilang / NAMapKit

Allows you to use custom maps in iphone applications and attempts to mimics some of the behaviour of the MapKit framework
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Create Pin annotation for my swift project using NAMapkit #52

Closed saravananNV closed 8 years ago

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

This was my code i have an image named floor_map as local image

I am very new to IOS The pinannotation was not working but dotannotation was working perfect with same x and y co-ordinates.May be i dont know how to use this for pin annotation and also i want to show an image which replace the pin.can some one please help me.i am stuck

 let mapView: NAMapView = NAPinAnnotationMapView(frame: self.view.bounds)
    mapView.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
    mapView.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
    mapView.minimumZoomScale = 0.5
    mapView.maximumZoomScale = 1.5
    mapView.displayMap(UIImage(named: "floor_map"))
    let melbourne: NAPinAnnotation = NAPinAnnotation()
    melbourne.color = NAPinColorPurple
    melbourne.title = "Melbourne"
    melbourne.subtitle = "I have a subtitle"
    melbourne.point = CGPoint(x: 543.0, y: 450.0)
    mapView.addAnnotation(melbourne, animated: false)
dblock commented 8 years ago

IMO it should "just work", maybe put together a dummy project that shows the issue? Do look through the demo code in this repo that definitely works correctly with a pin annotation.

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

Ofcourse, I have seen the demo project and use the code form the file NAPinAnnotationsDemoViewController which was used to create pin..the only difference was i converted into swift..but my effort was in vain. i have attached the sample project here.i working around with two days..but i dont get any lead.


dblock commented 8 years ago

@saravananNV Instead of a zip, maybe put your project on Github, open an issue and link from here. Me or someone else will take a look when we get a chance. Maybe you'll get a PR with a fix ;)

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

@dblock ..thank is the git hub link of the project

Thanks Guys,

orta commented 8 years ago

could be because the pin assets are inside a separate bundle now, and they may have been using UIImage imageNamed:

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

Hi Orta, I have given my git hub project link above which use NAMapkit frame work. can you please see that and tell me where i am wrong.

Help will be appreciated

Thanks Guys

dblock commented 8 years ago

I put a breakpoint in the loading of the image in, and that's exactly the problem, the image isn't loaded from the bundle.

    UIImage *pinImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingString:pinImageName]];
    [self setImage:pinImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];

This ends up being something like "/Users/dblock/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/6171C10F-67C0-471D-B74B-7E4149ACDF69/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A14D79BC-8942-407D-B9B3-C6D4E2D24639/" which is incorrect, it's missing "Frameworks/NAMapKit.framework" in the path.

@orta Do you know the right way to fix this?

orta commented 8 years ago

[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] wants to changes for [NSBundle mainBundle] bundleForClass:NAMapKit.class]

dblock commented 8 years ago

@saravananNV Want to try to fix this in this project and submit a pull request?

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

Is there is any way to fix this bug?.. or you guys working on it.i have to use this wonderful mapkit in our project with in two days.thats y , i am trying it to work on pinAnnotation with this sample app for a trial..


dblock commented 8 years ago

Fix the bug by changing the code in NAMapKit as orta suggests above. Submit a pull request with the fix after you've tested it.

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

when i try to change that particular shows the below error:

No visible @interface for 'NSBundle' declares the selector 'bundleForClass:'

I cant use bundleforclass. for my version i can use only bundlepath,bundleurl and bundleIdentifier

orta commented 8 years ago

@saravananNV -

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

HI Orta & dblock

hey, guys i fxed it....i modified the line on by

NSString * image = _animating ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Floating", pinImageName] : pinImageName; [self setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:image] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

which is from line 58

orta commented 8 years ago

@saravananNV - I'm afraid I don't have the time to hold your hand through using this library.

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

@orta , you and @dblock have spend your valuable time with me. all my issues are fixed..last task was how can i change images for pin annotation.just give me a lead.then i will work on it.sorry to disturb u @orta


dblock commented 8 years ago

I think if you want to change the images you might want to either subclass the annotation class or roll out your own.

dblock commented 8 years ago

Would appreciate a pull request with your fix, please @saravananNV.

saran-metron commented 8 years ago

@dblock and @orta there is no image porperty on Annotation class.then how can i change the image instead of pin

saravananNV commented 8 years ago

@dblock and @orta i have created a custom class which inherits the annotation and override the function createviewonmapview.but how to integrate this function which explicit my new view and also how to set image for customized pin. i know that i am troubling you too. i am stuck.thats y..please help me


dblock commented 8 years ago

@saran-metron and @saravananNV - you're not getting much help here because you're asking for fairly basic things, and I totally understand that you're just starting programming in Objective-C, but people contributing to this project don't really have time to teach you the basics. I suggest finding a friend or colleague who's a bit more experienced and pairing with them on this. I am sorry I cannot be of much more help - when/if I have time I'll write up some more examples.

dblock commented 8 years ago

Fixed via