neilbrown / gnubee-tools

Tools for building gnubee firmware - and maybe more.
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/etc/network/ is a world-writable directory #23

Closed fmarier closed 4 years ago

fmarier commented 4 years ago

I used the tiger security checker on my GnuBee and it picked up the fact that /etc/network/ is world-writable:

# Checking for writable directories...
--FAIL-- [fsys008f] The following directories are world writable:

# Performing check of embedded pathnames...
--WARN-- [embed003w] Path `/etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs' contains `/etc/network' which is world writable.
         Embedded references in: /etc/init.d/

Since this is rewritten on boot by the initramfs, I ended up putting the following in /etc/rc.local:

chmod 755 /etc/network

but I imagine there's a way to fix the problem at the source.

neilbrown commented 4 years ago

This is now fixed. Thanks for the report.