neilbrown / wiggle

apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
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wiggle: bad unified patch at line 5 #12

Closed luckydonald closed 5 years ago

luckydonald commented 5 years ago


$ # git apply --verbose --reject --no-index -C1 --whitespace=fix --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace --directory pytgbot/ NAME.patch
$ wiggle --lines --replace ./pytgbot/api_types/receivable/ ./pytgbot/api_types/receivable/
wiggle: bad unified patch at line 5
wiggle: file 1 missing ```py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __all__ = ['Media', 'MessageEntity', 'DownloadableMedia', 'PhotoSize', 'Audio', 'Animation', 'Document', 'Sticker', 'Video', 'Voice', 'VideoNote', 'Contact', 'Location', 'Venue', 'UserProfilePhotos', 'File', 'ChatPhoto', 'Game'] from luckydonaldUtils.encoding import unicode_type, to_unicode as u from luckydonaldUtils.exceptions import assert_type_or_raise from . import Receivable, Result class Media(Receivable): pass class MessageEntity(Result): """ This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc. Parameters: :param type: Type of the entity. Can be mention (@username), hashtag, cashtag, bot_command, url, email, phone_number, bold (bold text), italic (italic text), code (monowidth string), pre (monowidth block), text_link (for clickable text URLs), text_mention (for users without usernames) :type type: str|unicode :param offset: Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity :type offset: int :param length: Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units :type length: int Optional keyword parameters: :param url: Optional. For “text_link” only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text :type url: str|unicode :param user: Optional. For “text_mention” only, the mentioned user :type user: pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer.User :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, type, offset, length, url=None, user=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc. Parameters: :param type: Type of the entity. Can be mention (@username), hashtag, cashtag, bot_command, url, email, bold (bold text), italic (italic text), code (monowidth string), pre (monowidth block), text_link (for clickable text URLs), text_mention (for users without usernames) :type type: str|unicode :param offset: Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity :type offset: int :param length: Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units :type length: int Optional keyword parameters: :param url: Optional. For “text_link” only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text :type url: str|unicode :param user: Optional. For “text_mention” only, the mentioned user :type user: pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer.User :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(MessageEntity, self).__init__() from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User assert_type_or_raise(type, unicode_type, parameter_name="type") self.type = type assert_type_or_raise(offset, int, parameter_name="offset") self.offset = offset assert_type_or_raise(length, int, parameter_name="length") self.length = length assert_type_or_raise(url, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="url") self.url = url assert_type_or_raise(user, None, User, parameter_name="user") self.user = user self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this MessageEntity to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(MessageEntity, self).to_array() array['type'] = u(self.type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['offset'] = int(self.offset) # type int array['length'] = int(self.length) # type int if self.url is not None: array['url'] = u(self.url) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.user is not None: array['user'] = self.user.to_array() # type User return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new MessageEntity from a given dictionary. :return: new MessageEntity instance. :rtype: MessageEntity """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User data = {} data['type'] = u(array.get('type')) data['offset'] = int(array.get('offset')) data['length'] = int(array.get('length')) data['url'] = u(array.get('url')) if array.get('url') is not None else None data['user'] = User.from_array(array.get('user')) if array.get('user') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return MessageEntity(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(messageentity_instance)` """ return "MessageEntity(type={self.type!r}, offset={self.offset!r}, length={self.length!r}, url={self.url!r}, user={self.user!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(messageentity_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "MessageEntity.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "MessageEntity(type={self.type!r}, offset={self.offset!r}, length={self.length!r}, url={self.url!r}, user={self.user!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in messageentity_instance` """ return key in ["type", "offset", "length", "url", "user"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class MessageEntity class DownloadableMedia(Media): @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Subclass for all :class:`Media` which has a :py:attr:`file_id` and optionally a :py:attr:`file_size` :param array: a array to parse :type array: dict :return: a dict with file_id and file_size extracted from the array :rtype: dict """ data = super(DownloadableMedia).from_array(array) data["file_id"] = array.get("file_id") data["file_size"] = array.get("file_size") # can be None return data # end class DownloadableMedia class PhotoSize(Result): """ This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Photo width :type width: int :param height: Photo height :type height: int Optional keyword parameters: :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Photo width :type width: int :param height: Photo height :type height: int Optional keyword parameters: :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(PhotoSize, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(width, int, parameter_name="width") self.width = width assert_type_or_raise(height, int, parameter_name="height") self.height = height assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this PhotoSize to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(PhotoSize, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['width'] = int(self.width) # type int array['height'] = int(self.height) # type int if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new PhotoSize from a given dictionary. :return: new PhotoSize instance. :rtype: PhotoSize """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['width'] = int(array.get('width')) data['height'] = int(array.get('height')) data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return PhotoSize(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(photosize_instance)` """ return "PhotoSize(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(photosize_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "PhotoSize.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "PhotoSize(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in photosize_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "width", "height", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class PhotoSize class Audio(Media): """ This object represents an audio file to be treated as music by the Telegram clients. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param duration: Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param performer: Optional. Performer of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags :type performer: str|unicode :param title: Optional. Title of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags :type title: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param thumb: Optional. Thumbnail of the album cover to which the music file belongs :type thumb: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, duration, performer=None, title=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None, thumb=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents an audio file to be treated as music by the Telegram clients. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param duration: Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param performer: Optional. Performer of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags :type performer: str|unicode :param title: Optional. Title of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags :type title: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param thumb: Optional. Thumbnail of the album cover to which the music file belongs :type thumb: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Audio, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(duration, int, parameter_name="duration") self.duration = duration assert_type_or_raise(performer, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="performer") self.performer = performer assert_type_or_raise(title, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="title") self.title = title assert_type_or_raise(mime_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="mime_type") self.mime_type = mime_type assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Audio to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Audio, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['duration'] = int(self.duration) # type int if self.performer is not None: array['performer'] = u(self.performer) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.title is not None: array['title'] = u(self.title) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.mime_type is not None: array['mime_type'] = u(self.mime_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Audio from a given dictionary. :return: new Audio instance. :rtype: Audio """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['duration'] = int(array.get('duration')) data['performer'] = u(array.get('performer')) if array.get('performer') is not None else None data['title'] = u(array.get('title')) if array.get('title') is not None else None data['mime_type'] = u(array.get('mime_type')) if array.get('mime_type') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Audio(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(audio_instance)` """ return "Audio(file_id={self.file_id!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, performer={self.performer!r}, title={self.title!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(audio_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Audio.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Audio(file_id={self.file_id!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, performer={self.performer!r}, title={self.title!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in audio_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "duration", "performer", "title", "mime_type", "file_size", "thumb"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Audio class Animation(Media): """ This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique file identifier :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Video width as defined by sender :type width: int :param height: Video height as defined by sender :type height: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Animation thumbnail as defined by sender :type thumb: :param file_name: Optional. Original animation filename as defined by sender :type file_name: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, duration, thumb=None, file_name=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique file identifier :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Video width as defined by sender :type width: int :param height: Video height as defined by sender :type height: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Animation thumbnail as defined by sender :type thumb: :param file_name: Optional. Original animation filename as defined by sender :type file_name: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Animation, self).__init__() from import PhotoSize assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(width, int, parameter_name="width") self.width = width assert_type_or_raise(height, int, parameter_name="height") self.height = height assert_type_or_raise(duration, int, parameter_name="duration") self.duration = duration assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb assert_type_or_raise(file_name, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_name") self.file_name = file_name assert_type_or_raise(mime_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="mime_type") self.mime_type = mime_type assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Animation to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Animation, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['width'] = int(self.width) # type int array['height'] = int(self.height) # type int array['duration'] = int(self.duration) # type int if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize if self.file_name is not None: array['file_name'] = u(self.file_name) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.mime_type is not None: array['mime_type'] = u(self.mime_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Animation from a given dictionary. :return: new Animation instance. :rtype: Animation """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['width'] = int(array.get('width')) data['height'] = int(array.get('height')) data['duration'] = int(array.get('duration')) data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['file_name'] = u(array.get('file_name')) if array.get('file_name') is not None else None data['mime_type'] = u(array.get('mime_type')) if array.get('mime_type') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Animation(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(animation_instance)` """ return "Animation(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_name={self.file_name!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format( self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(animation_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Animation.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Animation(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_name={self.file_name!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format( self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in animation_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "width", "height", "duration", "thumb", "file_name", "mime_type", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Animation class Document(Media): """ This object represents a general file (as opposed to photos, voice messages and audio files). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique file identifier :type file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Document thumbnail as defined by sender :type thumb: :param file_name: Optional. Original filename as defined by sender :type file_name: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, thumb=None, file_name=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a general file (as opposed to photos, voice messages and audio files). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique file identifier :type file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Document thumbnail as defined by sender :type thumb: :param file_name: Optional. Original filename as defined by sender :type file_name: str|unicode :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Document, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb assert_type_or_raise(file_name, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_name") self.file_name = file_name assert_type_or_raise(mime_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="mime_type") self.mime_type = mime_type assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Document to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Document, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize if self.file_name is not None: array['file_name'] = u(self.file_name) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.mime_type is not None: array['mime_type'] = u(self.mime_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Document from a given dictionary. :return: new Document instance. :rtype: Document """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") from import PhotoSize data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['file_name'] = u(array.get('file_name')) if array.get('file_name') is not None else None data['mime_type'] = u(array.get('mime_type')) if array.get('mime_type') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Document(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(document_instance)` """ return "Document(file_id={self.file_id!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_name={self.file_name!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(document_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Document.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Document(file_id={self.file_id!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_name={self.file_name!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in document_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "thumb", "file_name", "mime_type", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Document class Sticker(Media): """ This object represents a sticker. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Sticker width :type width: int :param height: Sticker height :type height: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Sticker thumbnail in the .webp or .jpg format :type thumb: :param emoji: Optional. Emoji associated with the sticker :type emoji: str|unicode :param set_name: Optional. Name of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs :type set_name: str|unicode :param mask_position: Optional. For mask stickers, the position where the mask should be placed :type mask_position: pytgbot.api_types.receivable.stickers.MaskPosition :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, thumb=None, emoji=None, set_name=None, mask_position=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a sticker. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Sticker width :type width: int :param height: Sticker height :type height: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Sticker thumbnail in the .webp or .jpg format :type thumb: :param emoji: Optional. Emoji associated with the sticker :type emoji: str|unicode :param set_name: Optional. Name of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs :type set_name: str|unicode :param mask_position: Optional. For mask stickers, the position where the mask should be placed :type mask_position: pytgbot.api_types.receivable.stickers.MaskPosition :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Sticker, self).__init__() from import PhotoSize from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.stickers import MaskPosition assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(width, int, parameter_name="width") self.width = width assert_type_or_raise(height, int, parameter_name="height") self.height = height assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb assert_type_or_raise(emoji, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="emoji") self.emoji = emoji assert_type_or_raise(set_name, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="set_name") self.set_name = set_name assert_type_or_raise(mask_position, None, MaskPosition, parameter_name="mask_position") self.mask_position = mask_position assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Sticker to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Sticker, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['width'] = int(self.width) # type int array['height'] = int(self.height) # type int if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize if self.emoji is not None: array['emoji'] = u(self.emoji) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.set_name is not None: array['set_name'] = u(self.set_name) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.mask_position is not None: array['mask_position'] = self.mask_position.to_array() # type MaskPosition if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Sticker from a given dictionary. :return: new Sticker instance. :rtype: Sticker """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") from .stickers import MaskPosition data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['width'] = int(array.get('width')) data['height'] = int(array.get('height')) data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['emoji'] = u(array.get('emoji')) if array.get('emoji') is not None else None data['set_name'] = u(array.get('set_name')) if array.get('set_name') is not None else None data['mask_position'] = MaskPosition.from_array(array.get('mask_position')) if array.get( 'mask_position') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Sticker(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(sticker_instance)` """ return "Sticker(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, emoji={self.emoji!r}, set_name={self.set_name!r}, mask_position={self.mask_position!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format( self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(sticker_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Sticker.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Sticker(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, emoji={self.emoji!r}, set_name={self.set_name!r}, mask_position={self.mask_position!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format( self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in sticker_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "width", "height", "thumb", "emoji", "set_name", "mask_position", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Sticker class Video(Media): """ This object represents a video file. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Video width as defined by sender :type width: int :param height: Video height as defined by sender :type height: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Video thumbnail :type thumb: :param mime_type: Optional. Mime type of a file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, duration, thumb=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a video file. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param width: Video width as defined by sender :type width: int :param height: Video height as defined by sender :type height: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Video thumbnail :type thumb: :param mime_type: Optional. Mime type of a file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Video, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(width, int, parameter_name="width") self.width = width assert_type_or_raise(height, int, parameter_name="height") self.height = height assert_type_or_raise(duration, int, parameter_name="duration") self.duration = duration assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb assert_type_or_raise(mime_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="mime_type") self.mime_type = mime_type assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Video to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Video, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['width'] = int(self.width) # type int array['height'] = int(self.height) # type int array['duration'] = int(self.duration) # type int if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize if self.mime_type is not None: array['mime_type'] = u(self.mime_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Video from a given dictionary. :return: new Video instance. :rtype: Video """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['width'] = int(array.get('width')) data['height'] = int(array.get('height')) data['duration'] = int(array.get('duration')) data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['mime_type'] = u(array.get('mime_type')) if array.get('mime_type') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Video(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(video_instance)` """ return "Video(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(video_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Video.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Video(file_id={self.file_id!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in video_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "width", "height", "duration", "thumb", "mime_type", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Video class Voice(Media): """ This object represents a voice note. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param duration: Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, duration, mime_type=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a voice note. Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param duration: Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param mime_type: Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender :type mime_type: str|unicode :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Voice, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(duration, int, parameter_name="duration") self.duration = duration assert_type_or_raise(mime_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="mime_type") self.mime_type = mime_type assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Voice to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Voice, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['duration'] = int(self.duration) # type int if self.mime_type is not None: array['mime_type'] = u(self.mime_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Voice from a given dictionary. :return: new Voice instance. :rtype: Voice """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['duration'] = int(array.get('duration')) data['mime_type'] = u(array.get('mime_type')) if array.get('mime_type') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Voice(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(voice_instance)` """ return "Voice(file_id={self.file_id!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(voice_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Voice.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Voice(file_id={self.file_id!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, mime_type={self.mime_type!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in voice_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "duration", "mime_type", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Voice class VideoNote(Media): """ This object represents a video message (available in Telegram apps as of v.4.0). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param length: Video width and height as defined by sender :type length: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Video thumbnail :type thumb: :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, length, duration, thumb=None, file_size=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a video message (available in Telegram apps as of v.4.0). Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode :param length: Video width and height as defined by sender :type length: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender :type duration: int Optional keyword parameters: :param thumb: Optional. Video thumbnail :type thumb: :param file_size: Optional. File size :type file_size: int :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(VideoNote, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(length, int, parameter_name="length") self.length = length assert_type_or_raise(duration, int, parameter_name="duration") self.duration = duration assert_type_or_raise(thumb, None, PhotoSize, parameter_name="thumb") self.thumb = thumb assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this VideoNote to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(VideoNote, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['length'] = int(self.length) # type int array['duration'] = int(self.duration) # type int if self.thumb is not None: array['thumb'] = self.thumb.to_array() # type PhotoSize if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new VideoNote from a given dictionary. :return: new VideoNote instance. :rtype: VideoNote """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['length'] = int(array.get('length')) data['duration'] = int(array.get('duration')) data['thumb'] = PhotoSize.from_array(array.get('thumb')) if array.get('thumb') is not None else None data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return VideoNote(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(videonote_instance)` """ return "VideoNote(file_id={self.file_id!r}, length={self.length!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(videonote_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "VideoNote.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "VideoNote(file_id={self.file_id!r}, length={self.length!r}, duration={self.duration!r}, thumb={self.thumb!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in videonote_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "length", "duration", "thumb", "file_size"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class VideoNote class Contact(Media): """ This object represents a phone contact. Parameters: :param phone_number: Contact's phone number :type phone_number: str|unicode :param first_name: Contact's first name :type first_name: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param last_name: Optional. Contact's last name :type last_name: str|unicode :param user_id: Optional. Contact's user identifier in Telegram :type user_id: int :param vcard: Optional. Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard :type vcard: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, user_id=None, vcard=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a phone contact. Parameters: :param phone_number: Contact's phone number :type phone_number: str|unicode :param first_name: Contact's first name :type first_name: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param last_name: Optional. Contact's last name :type last_name: str|unicode :param user_id: Optional. Contact's user identifier in Telegram :type user_id: int :param vcard: Optional. Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard :type vcard: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Contact, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(phone_number, unicode_type, parameter_name="phone_number") self.phone_number = phone_number assert_type_or_raise(first_name, unicode_type, parameter_name="first_name") self.first_name = first_name assert_type_or_raise(last_name, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="last_name") self.last_name = last_name assert_type_or_raise(user_id, None, int, parameter_name="user_id") self.user_id = user_id assert_type_or_raise(vcard, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="vcard") self.vcard = vcard self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Contact to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Contact, self).to_array() array['phone_number'] = u(self.phone_number) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['first_name'] = u(self.first_name) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.last_name is not None: array['last_name'] = u(self.last_name) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.user_id is not None: array['user_id'] = int(self.user_id) # type int if self.vcard is not None: array['vcard'] = u(self.vcard) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Contact from a given dictionary. :return: new Contact instance. :rtype: Contact """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['phone_number'] = u(array.get('phone_number')) data['first_name'] = u(array.get('first_name')) data['last_name'] = u(array.get('last_name')) if array.get('last_name') is not None else None data['user_id'] = int(array.get('user_id')) if array.get('user_id') is not None else None data['vcard'] = u(array.get('vcard')) if array.get('vcard') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Contact(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(contact_instance)` """ return "Contact(phone_number={self.phone_number!r}, first_name={self.first_name!r}, last_name={self.last_name!r}, user_id={self.user_id!r}, vcard={self.vcard!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(contact_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Contact.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Contact(phone_number={self.phone_number!r}, first_name={self.first_name!r}, last_name={self.last_name!r}, user_id={self.user_id!r}, vcard={self.vcard!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in contact_instance` """ return key in ["phone_number", "first_name", "last_name", "user_id", "vcard"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Contact class Location(Media): """ This object represents a point on the map. Parameters: :param longitude: Longitude as defined by sender :type longitude: float :param latitude: Latitude as defined by sender :type latitude: float Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, longitude, latitude, _raw=None): """ This object represents a point on the map. Parameters: :param longitude: Longitude as defined by sender :type longitude: float :param latitude: Latitude as defined by sender :type latitude: float Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Location, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(longitude, float, parameter_name="longitude") self.longitude = longitude assert_type_or_raise(latitude, float, parameter_name="latitude") self.latitude = latitude self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Location to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Location, self).to_array() array['longitude'] = float(self.longitude) # type float array['latitude'] = float(self.latitude) # type float return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Location from a given dictionary. :return: new Location instance. :rtype: Location """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['longitude'] = float(array.get('longitude')) data['latitude'] = float(array.get('latitude')) data['_raw'] = array return Location(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(location_instance)` """ return "Location(longitude={self.longitude!r}, latitude={self.latitude!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(location_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Location.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Location(longitude={self.longitude!r}, latitude={self.latitude!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in location_instance` """ return key in ["longitude", "latitude"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Location class Venue(Media): """ This object represents a venue. Parameters: :param location: Venue location :type location: :param title: Name of the venue :type title: str|unicode :param address: Address of the venue :type address: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param foursquare_id: Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue :type foursquare_id: str|unicode :param foursquare_type: Optional. Foursquare type of the venue. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.) :type foursquare_type: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, location, title, address, foursquare_id=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a venue. Parameters: :param location: Venue location :type location: :param title: Name of the venue :type title: str|unicode :param address: Address of the venue :type address: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param foursquare_id: Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue :type foursquare_id: str|unicode :param foursquare_type: Optional. Foursquare type of the venue. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.) :type foursquare_type: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Venue, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(location, Location, parameter_name="location") self.location = location assert_type_or_raise(title, unicode_type, parameter_name="title") self.title = title assert_type_or_raise(address, unicode_type, parameter_name="address") self.address = address assert_type_or_raise(foursquare_id, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="foursquare_id") self.foursquare_id = foursquare_id assert_type_or_raise(foursquare_type, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="foursquare_type") self.foursquare_type = foursquare_type self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Venue to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Venue, self).to_array() array['location'] = self.location.to_array() # type Location array['title'] = u(self.title) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['address'] = u(self.address) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.foursquare_id is not None: array['foursquare_id'] = u(self.foursquare_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.foursquare_type is not None: array['foursquare_type'] = u(self.foursquare_type) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Venue from a given dictionary. :return: new Venue instance. :rtype: Venue """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['location'] = Location.from_array(array.get('location')) data['title'] = u(array.get('title')) data['address'] = u(array.get('address')) data['foursquare_id'] = u(array.get('foursquare_id')) if array.get('foursquare_id') is not None else None data['foursquare_type'] = u(array.get('foursquare_type')) if array.get('foursquare_type') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Venue(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(venue_instance)` """ return "Venue(location={self.location!r}, title={self.title!r}, address={self.address!r}, foursquare_id={self.foursquare_id!r}, foursquare_type={self.foursquare_type!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(venue_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Venue.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Venue(location={self.location!r}, title={self.title!r}, address={self.address!r}, foursquare_id={self.foursquare_id!r}, foursquare_type={self.foursquare_type!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in venue_instance` """ return key in ["location", "title", "address", "foursquare_id", "foursquare_type"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Venue class UserProfilePhotos(Result): """ This object represent a user's profile pictures. Parameters: :param total_count: Total number of profile pictures the target user has :type total_count: int :param photos: Requested profile pictures (in up to 4 sizes each) :type photos: list of list of Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, total_count, photos, _raw=None): """ This object represent a user's profile pictures. Parameters: :param total_count: Total number of profile pictures the target user has :type total_count: int :param photos: Requested profile pictures (in up to 4 sizes each) :type photos: list of list of Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(UserProfilePhotos, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(total_count, int, parameter_name="total_count") self.total_count = total_count assert_type_or_raise(photos, list, parameter_name="photos") = photos self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this UserProfilePhotos to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(UserProfilePhotos, self).to_array() array['total_count'] = int(self.total_count) # type int array['photos'] = self._as_array( # type list of list of PhotoSize return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new UserProfilePhotos from a given dictionary. :return: new UserProfilePhotos instance. :rtype: UserProfilePhotos """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['total_count'] = int(array.get('total_count')) data['photos'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(array.get('photos'), list_level=2) data['_raw'] = array return UserProfilePhotos(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(userprofilephotos_instance)` """ return "UserProfilePhotos(total_count={self.total_count!r}, photos={!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(userprofilephotos_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "UserProfilePhotos.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "UserProfilePhotos(total_count={self.total_count!r}, photos={!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in userprofilephotos_instance` """ return key in ["total_count", "photos"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class UserProfilePhotos class File(Receivable): """ This object represents a file ready to be downloaded. The file can be downloaded via the link It is guaranteed that the link will be valid for at least 1 hour. When the link expires, a new one can be requested by calling getFile. Maximum file size to download is 20 MB Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param file_size: Optional. File size, if known :type file_size: int :param file_path: Optional. File path. Use to get the file. :type file_path: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, file_id, file_size=None, file_path=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a file ready to be downloaded. The file can be downloaded via the link It is guaranteed that the link will be valid for at least 1 hour. When the link expires, a new one can be requested by calling getFile. Maximum file size to download is 20 MB Parameters: :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param file_size: Optional. File size, if known :type file_size: int :param file_path: Optional. File path. Use to get the file. :type file_path: str|unicode :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(File, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_id") self.file_id = file_id assert_type_or_raise(file_size, None, int, parameter_name="file_size") self.file_size = file_size assert_type_or_raise(file_path, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="file_path") self.file_path = file_path self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def get_download_url(self, token): """ Creates a url to download the file. Note: Contains the secret API key, so you should not share this url! :param token: API key :type token: str :return: url :rtype: str """ return "{token}/{file_path}".format(token=token, file_path=self.file_path) # end def get_download_url def to_array(self): """ Serializes this File to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(File, self).to_array() array['file_id'] = u(self.file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.file_size is not None: array['file_size'] = int(self.file_size) # type int if self.file_path is not None: array['file_path'] = u(self.file_path) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new File from a given dictionary. :return: new File instance. :rtype: File """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['file_id'] = u(array.get('file_id')) data['file_size'] = int(array.get('file_size')) if array.get('file_size') is not None else None data['file_path'] = u(array.get('file_path')) if array.get('file_path') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return File(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(file_instance)` """ return "File(file_id={self.file_id!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r}, file_path={self.file_path!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(file_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "File.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "File(file_id={self.file_id!r}, file_size={self.file_size!r}, file_path={self.file_path!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in file_instance` """ return key in ["file_id", "file_size", "file_path"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class File class ChatPhoto(Result): """ This object represents a chat photo. Parameters: :param small_file_id: Unique file identifier of small (160x160) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download. :type small_file_id: str|unicode :param big_file_id: Unique file identifier of big (640x640) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download. :type big_file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, small_file_id, big_file_id, _raw=None): """ This object represents a chat photo. Parameters: :param small_file_id: Unique file identifier of small (160x160) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download. :type small_file_id: str|unicode :param big_file_id: Unique file identifier of big (640x640) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download. :type big_file_id: str|unicode Optional keyword parameters: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(ChatPhoto, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(small_file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="small_file_id") self.small_file_id = small_file_id assert_type_or_raise(big_file_id, unicode_type, parameter_name="big_file_id") self.big_file_id = big_file_id self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this ChatPhoto to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(ChatPhoto, self).to_array() array['small_file_id'] = u(self.small_file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['big_file_id'] = u(self.big_file_id) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new ChatPhoto from a given dictionary. :return: new ChatPhoto instance. :rtype: ChatPhoto """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['small_file_id'] = u(array.get('small_file_id')) data['big_file_id'] = u(array.get('big_file_id')) data['_raw'] = array return ChatPhoto(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(chatphoto_instance)` """ return "ChatPhoto(small_file_id={self.small_file_id!r}, big_file_id={self.big_file_id!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(chatphoto_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "ChatPhoto.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "ChatPhoto(small_file_id={self.small_file_id!r}, big_file_id={self.big_file_id!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in chatphoto_instance` """ return key in ["small_file_id", "big_file_id"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class ChatPhoto class Game(Media): """ This object represents a game. Use BotFather to create and edit games, their short names will act as unique identifiers. Parameters: :param title: Title of the game :type title: str|unicode :param description: Description of the game :type description: str|unicode :param photo: Photo that will be displayed in the game message in chats. :type photo: list of Optional keyword parameters: :param text: Optional. Brief description of the game or high scores included in the game message. Can be automatically edited to include current high scores for the game when the bot calls setGameScore, or manually edited using editMessageText. 0-4096 characters. :type text: str|unicode :param text_entities: Optional. Special entities that appear in text, such as usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. :type text_entities: list of :param animation: Optional. Animation that will be displayed in the game message in chats. Upload via BotFather :type animation: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ def __init__(self, title, description, photo, text=None, text_entities=None, animation=None, _raw=None): """ This object represents a game. Use BotFather to create and edit games, their short names will act as unique identifiers. Parameters: :param title: Title of the game :type title: str|unicode :param description: Description of the game :type description: str|unicode :param photo: Photo that will be displayed in the game message in chats. :type photo: list of Optional keyword parameters: :param text: Optional. Brief description of the game or high scores included in the game message. Can be automatically edited to include current high scores for the game when the bot calls setGameScore, or manually edited using editMessageText. 0-4096 characters. :type text: str|unicode :param text_entities: Optional. Special entities that appear in text, such as usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. :type text_entities: list of :param animation: Optional. Animation that will be displayed in the game message in chats. Upload via BotFather :type animation: :param _raw: Optional. Original data this object was generated from. Could be `None`. :type _raw: None | dict """ super(Game, self).__init__() assert_type_or_raise(title, unicode_type, parameter_name="title") self.title = title assert_type_or_raise(description, unicode_type, parameter_name="description") self.description = description assert_type_or_raise(photo, list, parameter_name="photo") = photo assert_type_or_raise(text, None, unicode_type, parameter_name="text") self.text = text assert_type_or_raise(text_entities, None, list, parameter_name="text_entities") self.text_entities = text_entities assert_type_or_raise(animation, None, Animation, parameter_name="animation") self.animation = animation self._raw = _raw # end def __init__ def to_array(self): """ Serializes this Game to a dictionary. :return: dictionary representation of this object. :rtype: dict """ array = super(Game, self).to_array() array['title'] = u(self.title) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['description'] = u(self.description) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str array['photo'] = self._as_array( # type list of PhotoSize if self.text is not None: array['text'] = u(self.text) # py2: type unicode, py3: type str if self.text_entities is not None: array['text_entities'] = self._as_array(self.text_entities) # type list of MessageEntity if self.animation is not None: array['animation'] = self.animation.to_array() # type Animation return array # end def to_array @staticmethod def from_array(array): """ Deserialize a new Game from a given dictionary. :return: new Game instance. :rtype: Game """ if array is None or not array: return None # end if assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array") data = {} data['title'] = u(array.get('title')) data['description'] = u(array.get('description')) data['photo'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(array.get('photo'), list_level=1) data['text'] = u(array.get('text')) if array.get('text') is not None else None data['text_entities'] = MessageEntity.from_array_list(array.get('text_entities'), list_level=1) if array.get('text_entities') is not None else None data['animation'] = Animation.from_array(array.get('animation')) if array.get('animation') is not None else None data['_raw'] = array return Game(**data) # end def from_array def __str__(self): """ Implements `str(game_instance)` """ return "Game(title={self.title!r}, description={self.description!r}, photo={!r}, text={self.text!r}, text_entities={self.text_entities!r}, animation={self.animation!r})".format(self=self) # end def __str__ def __repr__(self): """ Implements `repr(game_instance)` """ if self._raw: return "Game.from_array({self._raw})".format(self=self) # end if return "Game(title={self.title!r}, description={self.description!r}, photo={!r}, text={self.text!r}, text_entities={self.text_entities!r}, animation={self.animation!r})".format(self=self) # end def __repr__ def __contains__(self, key): """ Implements `"key" in game_instance` """ return key in ["title", "description", "photo", "text", "text_entities", "animation"] and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) # end def __contains__ # end class Game ``` ```diff diff a/pytgbot/api_types/receivable/ b/pytgbot/api_types/receivable/ (rejected hunks) @@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode - :param length: Video width and height as defined by sender + :param length: Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by sender :type length: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender @@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ :param file_id: Unique identifier for this file :type file_id: str|unicode - :param length: Video width and height as defined by sender + :param length: Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by sender :type length: int :param duration: Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender ```
neilbrown commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report. I think the problem here is a missing space.
Every line in a -u diff should start with '+' or '-' or space. Your .rej file has blank links - no space. What generated the '.rej' file? does the original patch have blank linkes? What generated the original patch?

luckydonald commented 5 years ago

The patch was generated by git, out of the non-working patch parts.

git apply --verbose --reject --no-index -C1 --whitespace=fix --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace --directory pytgbot/ 953163837870a75a47854c461de3abb65c3da824_[code_generation]_Let_it_run_for_Bot_API_4_1_from_August_27,_2018_.patch

With the patch file being: 953163837870a75a47854c461de3abb65c3da824_[code_generation]_Let_it_run_for_Bot_API_4_1_from_August_27,_2018_ copy.patch

For reference, I tried to apply it to @ 67f4b5a151

neilbrown commented 5 years ago

Somewhat belatedly, I have fixed this. The latest wiggle will accept that patch file. Thanks for the report, and sorry for the delay.

luckydonald commented 5 years ago

Huh. Might have been due to Pycharm stripping leading whitespaces when opening files, without me noticing.