Hi ,
Thanks a lot for this wonder full work. I was understanding your seek Arc Library and tried to make 2 Seek Arcs facing each other in an Activity . One Clockwise and other anticlockwise with following code in xml
app:thumb="@drawable/mobile_portrait_l" />
Now since they have a common centre and by using them in a frame layout the circles coincides.
But when i try to seek the the left circle i am not able to do so. After debugging i found that when i try to seek left circle it calculates the progress angle of the right (anti clockwise) circle and thus gives the wrong progress angle. This happens even if i take the 2 arcs facing each other.
Hey @khushank I'm not clear on your issue around the , maybe you could create a more complete code sample with the activity code too. Maybe you could adapt one of the sample app's activities?
Hi , Thanks a lot for this wonder full work. I was understanding your seek Arc Library and tried to make 2 Seek Arcs facing each other in an Activity . One Clockwise and other anticlockwise with following code in xml <com.triggertrap.seekarc.SeekArc android:id="@+id/circularSeekBar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@android:color/transparent" android:padding="30dp" app:arcColor="#000000" app:clockwise="true" app:progressColor="#FF6600" app:rotation="180" app:startAngle="0" app:sweepAngle="360" app:thumb="@drawable/mobile_portrait_l" />
Now since they have a common centre and by using them in a frame layout the circles coincides. But when i try to seek the the left circle i am not able to do so. After debugging i found that when i try to seek left circle it calculates the progress angle of the right (anti clockwise) circle and thus gives the wrong progress angle. This happens even if i take the 2 arcs facing each other.
Please provide a solution for this.