neilenns / node-deepstackai-trigger

Detects motion using Deepstack AI and calls registered triggers based on trigger rules.
MIT License
167 stars 28 forks source link

Run this project in Visual Studio Codespaces #13

Closed neilenns closed 3 years ago

neilenns commented 4 years ago

The project's been designed from the start to work in Remote - Dev Containers and, in theory, Visual Studio Codespaces.

Currently this is blocked by several Codespaces issues as the base image is node:alpine.

In theory once those two issues are resolved by Microsoft this should Just Work as a Codespace. Try it out and see. If it doesn't work open bugs here (if it's an issue in the project) or against Microsoft (more likely reason 😂).

neilenns commented 3 years ago

This is done :)