neilgupta / Sherlock

Natural-language event parser for Javascript
MIT License
532 stars 32 forks source link

Added some language support. #13

Closed thomasbrunstrom closed 4 years ago

thomasbrunstrom commented 8 years ago

Added helper function to see if we matched on a month or a specific date. E.g: if we matched on july 1st or just july. One test fails, "dec 0 - 11" since we get at matched on month only. Other minor changes. If xRegExp is included we get better matching with Swedish dates (2016-08-22) using named matches.

neilgupta commented 7 years ago

Hey Thomas, thanks for submitting this! Sorry about the delay... I just wanted to let you know that I intend to review and hopefully merge this, but I've been really swamped lately. It might be a while before I get a chance to properly review, but it looks well done from a glance!

neilgupta commented 4 years ago

3 years later... I feel really bad I never got around to figuring out how/if this could be merged. Unfortunately, I just don't have the resources to maintain (or even test) multiple languages. As much as I really wanted to merge this, I think it's time to pull the plug on this PR. Sorry about that!