neilpa / cmd-colors-solarized

Solarized color settings for Windows command prompt
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Shortcut colours #6

Closed ianchanning closed 8 years ago

ianchanning commented 9 years ago

These are lovely colours for the command prompt.

However annoyingly (from Windows, nothing to do with these reg files) they don't get copied across to any shortcuts that you create to run the command prompt. I have a 'make me a sandwich' shortcut that opens the command prompt in admin mode.

I spotted that the command prompt registry keys are just child keys of the main Console key.

So for my shortcut that I named 'Make me a sandwich' you just have to edit the specified key in the reg file to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\Make me a sandwich]

2014-10-29 15_52_28-make me a sandwich properties

AnneTheAgile commented 9 years ago

@ianchanning , so are you saying that in order to have a proper shortcut to cmd.exe on your desktop, one which runs admin, you had to add the key you list above? I am confused on how adding that key has anything to do with getting it to run solarized light? thank you!

neilpa commented 8 years ago

The font, window, etc. settings are embedded in a shortcut link and override the defaults in HKCU\Console. What @ianchanning is saying is that a new subkey of HKCU\Console\<Link-Title> overrides the embedded settings.