neilsf / xc-basic3

A BASIC cross compiler for MOS 6502-based machines
MIT License
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v3.1 feature list #24

Closed neilsf closed 2 years ago

neilsf commented 2 years ago

This is the list of planned features for version 3.1. Please add your thoughts and wishes.


(Highly inspired by Hesware's Graphics BASIC)

         AT x, y
         COLOR c
         SHAPE s
         XYSIZE xs, ys






(Highly inspired by Hesware's Graphics BASIC)

        [ADSR a, d, s, r]
        [TONE f]
        [PULSE p]
        [VOICE 1]
        [VOICE 2]
        [VOICE 3]
neilsf commented 2 years ago

Most features are obviously for C64 only (for ex. no sprites on VIC-20).

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

Love the INTERRUPT's! I believe we can make some type of timer with it.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

I would like to see some type of pre-processer for #defines, #if, #else, #endif and a way to tell what machine I am running on. So.....

if C64 then

print "C64 - we can use sprites"


print "no sprites"


jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

pragma so we can #include files only once.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

pragma so we can #include files only once.

Not sure what you mean. Can you pls explain?

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

pragma provides additional information to the compiler.

FreeBasic has #pragma But what I am looking for and maybe you have a way to do this already...

pragma ONLY_ONCE at the top of the module tells the compiler to only include this module 1 time even if it is also #include'd in other modules.

You can also do it with #define, #ifdef, #ifndef also.

Do I have you confused yet? ;)

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

How FreeBasic does it: #include [once] "file"

neilsf commented 2 years ago

I see. INCLUDE in XC=BASIC is already a preprocessor directive. The difference is that it doesn't use the # prefix. It can be improved to have the ONCE option.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

How about CHAIN so that compiled programs can call other compiled programs?

neilsf commented 2 years ago

How about CHAIN so that compiled programs can call other compiled programs?

Can you pls explain a use case?

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

A huge game. This idea was inspired by EPYX Winter and Summer games. OK, lets design a game called Space Explore. 1st PRG is the startup screen, high score screen and game main menu.
2nd PRG is the ship maintenance screen where you outfit you ship, buy and sell parts. Upgrades.
3td PRG is the Bar. You have a drink and buy / sell things to fund you space ship 4th PRG is the flying screen, fly another planet and attack / get attacked by other ships

So 4 PRG's, each one of these PRG has a whole 64k of RAM instead of trying to shove it all into one PRG. I see huge games! ;) You can use UDT's and save/load to disk to pass vars.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

A huge game. This idea was inspired by EPYX Winter and Summer games. OK, lets design a game called Space Explore. 1st PRG is the startup screen, high score screen and game main menu. 2nd PRG is the ship maintenance screen where you outfit you ship, buy and sell parts. Upgrades. 3td PRG is the Bar. You have a drink and buy / sell things to fund you space ship 4th PRG is the flying screen, fly another planet and attack / get attacked by other ships

So 4 PRG's, each one of these PRG has a whole 64k of RAM instead of trying to shove it all into one PRG. I see huge games! ;) You can use UDT's and save/load to disk to pass vars.

LOAD and GOSUB can do that...

Main program:

LOAD "firstprg", 8, @here : GOSUB here
LOAD "secondprg", 8, @here : GOSUB here
ORIGIN $0900

Of course you need to compile firstprg and secondprg to exclude the BASIC stub and start at a fixed address ($0900).

Diduz commented 2 years ago

This "windows" system in AMOS (Amiga) would be handy to have on C64 (for pure text or a text-graphics combination): BASIC 7.0 for Commodore 128 featured a similar (albeit less sofisticated) command: QBASIC had VIEW (for graphics) VIEW PRINT (for text)

Also, is there a way to erase/free memory from address to address?

neilsf commented 2 years ago

Hi @Diduz

This "windows" system in AMOS (Amiga) would be handy to have on C64

That's something I believe the Amiga supports by hardware (via Blitter).

BASIC 7.0 for Commodore 128 featured a similar (albeit less sofisticated) command:

It's a feature of the C128 KERNAL that the C64 doesn't have. XC=BASIC uses KERNAL for screen I/O.

QBASIC had VIEW (for graphics)

I'm not sure what this one exactly does. I tried the example in QB64 on Linux and got this:


Also, is there a way to erase/free memory from address to address?

If you mean filling a memory range with a value, there's MEMSET for that.

Diduz commented 2 years ago

BASIC 7.0 for Commodore 128 featured a similar (albeit less sofisticated) command:

It's a feature of the C128 KERNAL that the C64 doesn't have. XC=BASIC uses KERNAL for screen I/O.

Yeah, I've discovered C16/Plus 4 had it too, but their BASIC 3.5 lacked the "WINDOW" command to easily activate that (you had to press some keys to trigger the feature). Too bad for C64, but I think I read some sort of C64 code somewhere that could at least "protect" some lines on the screen from scrolling. Not exactly a "window", alas. And I guess that would be Assembly territory I'm not familiar with. :-P

QBASIC had VIEW (for graphics)

I'm not sure what this one exactly does. I tried the example in QB64 on Linux and got this:


I don't know about VIEW (the graphic version of that command), but VIEW PRINT is a pretty easy way to create different text windows. Some time ago I gave it a try through Freebasic (I compiled the code in legacy qbasic mode though).

Also, is there a way to erase/free memory from address to address?

If you mean filling a memory range with a value, there's MEMSET for that.

So a MEMSET with a 255 / FF value would "erase"/"clean" that byte? (Newbie here, sorry for some stupid questions :-D ).

neilsf commented 2 years ago

I think I read some sort of C64 code somewhere that could at least "protect" some lines on the screen from scrolling.

I wonder how that thing worked. Maybe a customized KERNAL in RAM?

So a MEMSET with a 255 / FF value would "erase"/"clean" that byte?

What do you mean by erasing? You can set a byte any value between 0 and 255. What is considered to be "erased" is only a choice of your application.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

The FRE statement to tell how much memory we have left. It would be nice to tell what methods of programming madness consume less memory.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

The FRE statement to tell how much memory we have left. It would be nice to tell what methods of programming madness consume less memory.

It only makes sense in an environment that dynamically allocates memory (eg. CBM BASIC). In XC=BASIC, the compiler should display the memory information after compilation. It was working in V2 but somehow I missed to implement it in V3. Will do.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

Multi vars dim'd on 1 line. DIM a,b,c AS BYTE

And assigning value on the same line DIM a AS BYTE = 10 instead of DIM a AS BYTE : a = 10

orlof commented 2 years ago

Bitwise operators e.g. "&", "|", "^" and "~" evaluated in higher precedence level (i.e. before comparison operators). No need for parenthesis in

IF a & 1 = 0 AND b & 1 = 0 THEN
IF (a AND 1) = 0 AND (b AND 1) = 0 THEN
orlof commented 2 years ago

Arrays inside user defined types e.g.

  arr(10) AS INT
orlof commented 2 years ago

CONSTs values and expression evaluated in DATA AS XXX statements e.g.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

Bitwise operators e.g. "&", "|", "^" and "~" evaluated in higher precedence level (i.e. before comparison operators).

@orlof what BASIC supports this? It seems a little strange for me..

Btw, (a AND 1) = 0 AND (b AND 1) = 0 can be simplified as (a OR b AND 1) = 0.

orlof commented 2 years ago

@neilsf I don't know any 😞 ...but I don't know any other BASIC that supports embedded assembler either 😉 But seriously, it is just my thinking that bitwise and logical operators should have different precedences - I understand if you like the BASIC tradition more 👍

neilsf commented 2 years ago

I don't know any other BASIC that supports embedded assembler either wink

Freebasic also has ASM ... END ASM blocks.

bitwise and logical operators should have different precedences

Yes, in other languages, such as C, bitwise operators are distinct from logical operators (e. g. & and && ), bitwise operators having higher precedence. But BASIC is different.

Thraka commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this can be put into 3.0, so maybe 3.1 but an equivalent of the TI/TI$ variables in BASIC would be nice. I tried to be sneaky and map a variable to the TI memory location but it didn't work because I think it's mapped backwards in memory.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

@Thraka there you go:

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

Have these predefined. CONST TRUE = 255 CONST FALSE = 0 I add them to everyone of my Included files.

neilsf commented 2 years ago

I add them to everyone of my Included files.

Don't do that. Add SHARED CONST TRUE = 255 once and it will be visible everywhere.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

Add an under score _ to split lines

neilsf commented 2 years ago

Add an under score _ to split lines

Sadly, that would cause grammar ambiguities because _ is a valid identifier in XC=BASIC. I suggest resurrecting the tilde ~ char from XCB2.

jakebullet70 commented 2 years ago

Add an under score _ to split lines

Sadly, that would cause grammar ambiguities because _ is a valid identifier in XC=BASIC. I suggest resurrecting the tilde ~ char from XCB2.

I could do a '~' just fine. ;) Lets resurrect it.

Jest0r commented 2 years ago

I'd love to see an improved visual representation of binary variables

In the ACME assembler code (I know, not BASIC..), "." and "#" can be used instead of "0" and "1" in a binary formatted value. So, these values would be equivalent:


In my opinion that can be super useful to make reading bitmasks a bit easier on the eye

orlof commented 2 years ago

How about fusing MEMSHIFT and MEMCPY? Having one work upwards and another downwards saves one comparison in assembler, but in many cases that comparison is then done in Basic and there is no speed benefit. It also causes occasional bugs and I often need to verify which is which from the docs. To maintain backwards compatibility they could both work exactly the same - both directions.

orlof commented 2 years ago

A function that reads a character from coordinates - similar (but "opposite") to CHARAT

orlof commented 2 years ago

ELSEIF expr THEN branches

neilsf commented 2 years ago

Closing this as v3.1 is past feature freeze. Thanks for your suggestions, those that didn't make it to the next release will be considered in a later one.

Thraka commented 2 years ago

Is there a list of what will be 3.1?

JJFlash-IT commented 2 years ago

@Thraka The bulk of what has been added is written in this file. I also look at this page in the wiki documentation to keep updated with the latest additions. In the keyword and function reference of the documentation, all the new features are tagged with "v3.1" :)

neilsf commented 2 years ago

I haven't updated the README file in a while, but I will do that before the final release. The docs pretty much cover all the new features and changes.