nekiro / Nekiro-Rcc-Editor

Electron qt .rcc file editor written using typescript and react
10 stars 7 forks source link

[Question] Running on linux #3

Open svaldivia12 opened 11 months ago

svaldivia12 commented 11 months ago

Hello, first of all, great project ! Quick question, Is it possible to run this on Linux? I've tried it only on Windows and now I want to run it on Linux but gives me this error when selecting the RCC file

❯ npm run start

> rcc-editor@2.0.1 start
> electron-forge start

✔ Checking your system
✔ Locating Application
✔ Preparing native dependencies
✔ Compiling Main Process Code
✔ Launch Dev Servers
✔ Compiling Preload Scripts
✔ Launching Application

Webpack Output Available: http://localhost:9000

Gtk-Message: 15:43:36.815: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error
⠴ Compiling Renderer CodeType-checking in progress...
⠧ Compiling Renderer Codeasset main_window/index.js 3.5 MiB [emitted] (name: main_window)
asset main_window/index.html 238 bytes [emitted]
runtime modules 26.6 KiB 14 modules
modules by path ./node_modules/ 1.25 MiB 37 modules
modules by path ./src/renderer/ 28 KiB
  modules by path ./src/renderer/components/ 15.1 KiB 9 modules
  modules by path ./src/renderer/screens/MainScreen/ 6.61 KiB
    ./src/renderer/screens/MainScreen/index.tsx 2.43 KiB [built] [code generated]
    + 2 modules
  modules by path ./src/renderer/*.css 3.93 KiB
    ./src/renderer/app.css 2.58 KiB [built] [code generated]
    ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].use[1]!./node_modules/@teamsupercell/typings-for-css-modules-loader/src/index.js!./src/renderer/app.css 1.36 KiB [built] [code generated]
  ./src/renderer/app.tsx 860 bytes [built] [code generated]
  ./src/renderer/hooks/useSelectedElement.tsx 1.55 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.74.0 compiled successfully in 1107 ms
✔ Compiling Renderer Code
Type-checking in progress...
No errors found.
No errors found.
[57199:1004/] Gtk: gtk_file_chooser_widget_set_current_name: assertion 'priv->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE || priv->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER' failed
(node:57199) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: spawn /home/svaldivia/git/Nekiro-Rcc-Editor/.webpack/main/rcc/rcc.exe EACCES
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:283:19)
    at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:478:16)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
(Use `electron --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:57199) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)
[57199:1004/] Gtk: gtk_file_chooser_widget_set_current_name: assertion 'priv->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE || priv->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER' failed

After reading the error, from this line, it seems to me that is trying to open an EXE file

(node:57199) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: spawn /home/svaldivia/git/Nekiro-Rcc-Editor/.webpack/main/rcc/rcc.exe EACCES

Is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance!

nekiro commented 11 months ago

It's only windows, because the binary that this program uses is compiled for windows, this could be made working by compiling to linux executable and properly making it into code. I don't plan on working on this, so if you get it to work, pull request is welcome