nekocode / h5pay-flutter

A H5/HTML5 payment (such as Alipay, WeChat-Pay) plugin for flutter.
Apache License 2.0
42 stars 9 forks source link

安卓无法跳转支付宝 #4

Closed purgeyao closed 9 months ago

purgeyao commented 2 years ago

安卓真机 无法跳转支付宝 提示cantLaunchUrl

              onPressed: () async {
                final status = await showH5PayDialog(
                  context: context,
                  getPaymentArguments: () async => PaymentArguments(
                    redirectSchemes: ['alipay', 'alipays'],
                    httpHeaders: {
                      'Authorization': SPUtils.getToken(),
                  verifyResult: () async => true,
                  content: Text("状态:${status}"),
              child: Text('打开支付页面'),

苹果 可以跳转支付宝 但是支付好没有跳到app 还停留在支付宝

[....] Disconnected 00008101-00112CD13C91003A
[ProcessSwapping] 0x127b71440 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=51, PID=5754, navigationID=28] ProvisionalPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=3
[Process] 0x118068c18 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=48, PID=5717] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=3, domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=-1004
[assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "target is not running or doesn't have entitlement" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=target is not running or doesn't have entitlement}>
[ProcessSuspension] 0x126bf9ec0 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'ConnectionTerminationWatchdog' for process with PID=5754, error: Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "target is not running or doesn't have entitlement" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=target is not running or doesn't have entitlement}
[assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Specified target process does not exist" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Specified target process does not exist}>
[ProcessSuspension] 0x126bf9f20 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebProcess Background Assertion' for process with PID=5754, error: Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Specified target process does not exist" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Specified target process does not exist}
[....] Disconnected 00008101-00112CD13C91003A
[....] Disconnected 00008101-00112CD13C91003A
nekocode commented 9 months ago

今天刚合并了个 MR 可能能修复这个问题 #6