Describe the solution you'd like
i want to look at my tabs and see it's a beatmapset page. currently its just the song's name and can be taken out of context
Describe alternatives you've considered
change to something like {artist_name} - {song_name} · beatmap | {server_name}
no caso para a musica Bye or not por PSYQUI feat. mikanzil no servidor takuji seria algo tipo
PSYQUI feat. mikanzil - Bye or not · beatmap | takuji
Describe the solution you'd like i want to look at my tabs and see it's a beatmapset page. currently its just the song's name and can be taken out of context
Describe alternatives you've considered change to something like
{artist_name} - {song_name} · beatmap | {server_name}
no caso para a musicaBye or not
porPSYQUI feat. mikanzil
no servidor takuji seria algo tipoPSYQUI feat. mikanzil - Bye or not · beatmap | takuji
Additional context currently