nekrocasino / Ai-core

Education and feedback code in evolution vector
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what compose fast ai code in minimum icomp #8

Open nekrocasino opened 8 years ago

nekrocasino commented 8 years ago

ai core is platform for write sense in code and synchronization sense write in language word people and machine digital code language for access in memory and education referent point and abstract tag for replication hologram if exist science formula in code if ai code grab in network new information or formula find sense for formula and compose script in this fact compose significance code and assimilation code for exist command code cause is only make access for make result for question find function for manifestation formula, if exist significance and education feedback for formula exist know how for practical application and compose code, its equal in brain people if people go in school , ai compose code for grab concrete education fact in network and make feedback and experience what make this formula and education cause and experience, its fasted, people read book 5 word second ai is 1000 fasted in on core. if exist predetermined code evolution ain make jump in evolution line and selected good vector evolution and fasted , not purpose education all combination, purpose is make big jump in evolution in brain, brain people is not fast what is problem is command code, purpose is not fast, if ai compose purpose is make fasted feedback .