nekromant / esp8266-frankenstein

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tcp fix, again (it is not an update of lwip) #72

Closed d-a-v closed 9 years ago

d-a-v commented 9 years ago

Still in the path to make a very stable serial<->wifi passthrough, (and after several headbanging and some broken keyboards) this is a tcp fix again.

For testing purpose, a new optional service called "echo" is available. It simply sends what is received. In src/contrib, a program tcpechotester.c is available to fight with this echo service. in STA mode I sustained 1.6Mbits/s for several minutes on some good WLAN conditions.

This is working only because I modified TCP_MSS (1024) and TCP_WND (2_MSS) in lwipopts.h to some "good" values [good = working :)]. It does not work well (but not worse than the previous versions) with original espressifs values 1460 / 4_MSS.

Also in src/contrib/ a text file with a short tcpdump trace showing how lwip-1.4.0 is not dealing well.

The next step is to try and update lwip (which is hardwork) to check if things become more stable with any value for MSS and WND.

nekromant commented 9 years ago

Thanks, merging. Do you think you can give it a try and move on to upstream lwip? There's a ready to use antares/src/contrib/lwip/kcnf boilerplate for all configuration options.

nekromant commented 9 years ago

@d-a-v Yes, and please do a git rebase -i instead of merging master into your tree. Merging bloats git history a lot.

d-a-v commented 9 years ago

Sorry about rebase. I tried but I messed things up with my github branched fork (pull rebase origin then push-pull from my branch) so I decided to go on with no more rebase on this branch.

About upstream lwip. Yes I'm dived into it. For now I have a perl script that removes all chinese comments so to get a proper/minimal patch between official 1.4.0 and espressif/our version. So far I've only checked the diff in the lwip/core directory and there are not much changes. I suspect these changes do not all come from espressif because of long-good-english comments that are not in the original 1.4.0_STABLE version available on savannah. I'll continue deeper and try to automate 1.4.0depatch -> 1.5repatch. I can try to provide the diff scripts into the repo (src/contrib?) if requested.

nekromant commented 9 years ago

There's this project Some things are already done there. But after giving it a quick look - Espressif's changes turned out to be more than just adding ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR to all functions. Meanwhile, I dived into the junk and found a nice stm32f4 discovery and a nice ENC28J60 lan module. Should be enough to test lwip with a different architecture.

nekromant commented 9 years ago

Oops, sorry. wrong link. Forum Thread: github:

d-a-v commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the link, it is very interesting.

I took another approach (before reading the links), because I have found something close to the very version of LWIP espressif took as a start for their own version (it is not exactly lwip-1.4.0). I am now:

Once there, I think we can consider using the work of Kadamski's repo.