nekromant / esp8266-frankenstein

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 modules
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Minor problems with build instructions #74

Closed Juul closed 9 years ago

Juul commented 9 years ago

It might be good to tell people to run:

make defconfig

before running make menuconfig, to start them out with sane defaults.

Then, after make menuconfig they need to run:

mkdir images

before running:

make build
ystrem commented 9 years ago

Thank you !!! :D

digger3d commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately after I followed the procedure of installing everything I am still getting errors. Please help me to pass this step. Here is a log: anton@Satellite-A105:~/esp8266-frankenstein$ make defconfig Reverting to default config

anton@Satellite-A105:~/esp8266-frankenstein$ make build [INFO] Config changed, running silentoldconfig *

nekromant commented 9 years ago

@digger3d Ah, you're running antares mater branch. You'll need check out antares experimental branch. ESP8266 port is just not very stable, so not present in master branch. Yet.

digger3d commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the fast reply. Ok, Im starting over.

digger3d commented 9 years ago

1st I got this

anton@Satellite-A105:~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein$ make ln -sf ./antares ./antares Using global antares installation: ./antares Symlinking done, please re-run make make: stat: antares: Too many levels of symbolic links

anton@Satellite-A105:~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein$ make make: stat: antares/Makefile: Too many levels of symbolic links make: stat: antares: Too many levels of symbolic links ln -sf ./antares ./antares Using global antares installation: ./antares Symlinking done, please re-run make make: stat: antares: Too many levels of symbolic links

then I linked ~/.antares into ~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein as ~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein/antares and finally got this error:

anton@Satellite-A105:~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein$ make defaults make: ** No rule to make target 'defaults'. Stop. anton@Satellite-A105:~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein$ make defconfig Reverting to default config anton@Satellite-A105:~/.antares_examples/esp8266-frankenstein$ make build [INFO] Config changed, running silentoldconfig

what is wrong?

digger3d commented 9 years ago

when I try to build from a different location (also had to symlink) I am getting this log:

anton@Satellite-A105:~/esp8266-frankenstein$ make defconfig Reverting to default config anton@Satellite-A105:~/esp8266-frankenstein$ make [INFO] Config changed, running silentoldconfig *

digger3d commented 9 years ago

what else I've got in my mind:

anton@Satellite-A105:~/esp8266-frankenstein$ make update git fetch && git rebase -i Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes. Please commit or stash them. Makefile:47: recipe for target 'update' failed make: *\ [update] Error 1

nekromant commented 9 years ago

cd antares && git checkout experimental