nektos / act

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MIT License
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'Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's network namespace when user namespaces are enabled' #1899

Open jsuto opened 1 year ago

jsuto commented 1 year ago

Bug report info

act version:            0.2.46
GOOS:                   linux
GOARCH:                 amd64
NumCPU:                 2
Docker host:            DOCKER_HOST environment variable is not set
Sockets found:
Config files:           
        -P ubuntu-latest=node:16-buster-slim
        -P ubuntu-22.04=node:16-bullseye-slim
        -P ubuntu-20.04=node:16-buster-slim
        -P ubuntu-18.04=node:16-buster-slim
Build info:
    Go version:            go1.18.10
    Module path: 
    Main version:          (devel)
    Main path:   
    Main checksum:         
    Build settings:
        -compiler:            gc
        -ldflags:             -s -w -X main.version=0.2.46 -X main.commit=b0d0cec71f2240fc629dcaa1889ed8c4ad52beb9 -X -X main.builtBy=goreleaser
        CGO_ENABLED:          0
        GOARCH:               amd64
        GOOS:                 linux
        GOAMD64:              v1
        vcs:                  git
        vcs.revision:         b0d0cec71f2240fc629dcaa1889ed8c4ad52beb9
        vcs.time:             2023-06-01T02:39:05Z
        vcs.modified:         false
Docker Engine:
    Engine version:        20.10.18
    Engine runtime:        runc
    Cgroup version:        2
    Cgroup driver:         systemd
    Storage driver:        overlay2
    Registry URI:
    OS:                    Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
    OS type:               linux
    OS version:            22.04
    OS arch:               x86_64
    OS kernel:             5.15.0-76-generic
    OS CPU:                2
    OS memory:             3815 MB
    Security options:

Command used with act


Describe issue

When I run act, then I get the following output:

[Python package/build] 🚀  Start image=node:16-buster-slim
[Python package/build]   🐳  docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform= username= forcePull=true
[Python package/build] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
[Python package/build]   🐳  docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
Error: failed to create container: 'Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's network namespace when user namespaces are enabled'

Link to GitHub repository

No response

Workflow content

name: Python package

on: [push]

  DAY_OF_WEEK: Monday
  FRUITS: 'AAA=("apple" "orange" "banana")'


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: 3.7

      - name: Some variables test
        run: |
          echo "day of week=${DAY_OF_WEEK}"
          eval "$FRUITS"
          echo "All my fruits: ${AAA[@]}"
          echo "1st fruit=${AAA[0]}"

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install ruff pytest
          if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi

      - name: Lint with ruff
        run: |
          # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
          ruff --format=github --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --target-version=py37 .
          # default set of ruff rules with GitHub Annotations
          ruff --format=github --target-version=py37 .
      - name: Run unit tests
        run: |
          cd app; python3 -m unittest -f

Relevant log output

DEBU[0000] Loading environment from /home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.env 
DEBU[0000] Loading action inputs from /home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.input 
DEBU[0000] Loading secrets from /home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.secrets 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated matrix inclusions: map[]           
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows from '/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.github/workflows' 
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows recursively                
DEBU[0000] Found workflow 'github-actions-build.yml' in '/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.github/workflows/github-actions-build.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Found workflow 'github-actions-demo.yml' in '/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.github/workflows/github-actions-demo.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Reading workflow '/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.github/workflows/github-actions-build.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Reading workflow '/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo/.github/workflows/github-actions-demo.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Preparing plan with all jobs                 
DEBU[0000] Using default workflow event: push           
DEBU[0000] Planning jobs for event: push                
DEBU[0000] gc: 2023-07-09 13:41:21.758245463 +0200 CEST m=+0.013841151  module=artifactcache
DEBU[0000] Final matrix after applying user inclusions '[map[]]' 
DEBU[0000] Conditional GET for notices etag=da0af10a-6865-4d4f-a356-628179e18d04 
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory          
DEBU[0000] Found revision: 6070a9be04d18ce06f5de8299fdbef984b2cde89 
DEBU[0000] HEAD points to '6070a9be04d18ce06f5de8299fdbef984b2cde89' 
DEBU[0000] using github ref: refs/heads/master          
DEBU[0000] Found revision: 6070a9be04d18ce06f5de8299fdbef984b2cde89 
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()'
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true'
[Python package/build] 🚀  Start image=node:16-buster-slim
[Python package/build]   🐳  docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform= username= forcePull=true
[Python package/build] [DEBUG]   🐳  docker pull node:16-buster-slim
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] pulling image '' ()
[Python package/build] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
DEBU[0000] Saving notices etag=da0af10a-6865-4d4f-a356-628179e18d04 
DEBU[0000] No new notices                               
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] Pulling from library/node :: 16-buster-slim
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] Digest: sha256:f9b352a2b524dd1c56c65e0cb365f7517093a7d3298f41a8e85dd034a6f33474 :: 
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] Status: Image is up to date for node:16-buster-slim :: 
[Python package/build]   🐳  docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] Common container.Config ==> &{Hostname: Domainname: User: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:false AttachStderr:false ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:true OpenStdin:false StdinOnce:false Env:[RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Cmd:[] Healthcheck:<nil> ArgsEscaped:false Image:node:16-buster-slim Volumes:map[] WorkingDir:/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false MacAddress: OnBuild:[] Labels:map[] StopSignal: StopTimeout:<nil> Shell:[]}
[Python package/build] [DEBUG] Common container.HostConfig ==> &{Binds:[/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock] ContainerIDFile: LogConfig:{Type: Config:map[]} NetworkMode:host PortBindings:map[] RestartPolicy:{Name: MaximumRetryCount:0} AutoRemove:false VolumeDriver: VolumesFrom:[] ConsoleSize:[0 0] CapAdd:[] CapDrop:[] CgroupnsMode: DNS:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearch:[] ExtraHosts:[] GroupAdd:[] IpcMode: Cgroup: Links:[] OomScoreAdj:0 PidMode: Privileged:false PublishAllPorts:false ReadonlyRootfs:false SecurityOpt:[] StorageOpt:map[] Tmpfs:map[] UTSMode: UsernsMode: ShmSize:0 Sysctls:map[] Runtime: Isolation: Resources:{CPUShares:0 Memory:0 NanoCPUs:0 CgroupParent: BlkioWeight:0 BlkioWeightDevice:[] BlkioDeviceReadBps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteBps:[] BlkioDeviceReadIOps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:[] CPUPeriod:0 CPUQuota:0 CPURealtimePeriod:0 CPURealtimeRuntime:0 CpusetCpus: CpusetMems: Devices:[] DeviceCgroupRules:[] DeviceRequests:[] KernelMemory:0 KernelMemoryTCP:0 MemoryReservation:0 MemorySwap:0 MemorySwappiness:<nil> OomKillDisable:<nil> PidsLimit:<nil> Ulimits:[] CPUCount:0 CPUPercent:0 IOMaximumIOps:0 IOMaximumBandwidth:0} Mounts:[{Type:volume Source:act-Python-package-build-8f9a08f8f46a1e7a9dbd8c238cbc4611e2d70f9b17622a900f16e35d2442f78f-env Target:/var/run/act ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-Python-package-build-8f9a08f8f46a1e7a9dbd8c238cbc4611e2d70f9b17622a900f16e35d2442f78f Target:/home/sj/devel/github-actions-demo ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-toolcache Target:/toolcache ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>}] MaskedPaths:[] ReadonlyPaths:[] Init:<nil>}
Error: failed to create container: 'Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's network namespace when user namespaces are enabled'

Additional information

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Issue is stale and will be closed in 14 days unless there is new activity

jsuto commented 6 months ago

Is there a timeline for addressing the problem?

github-actions[bot] commented 6 days ago

Issue is stale and will be closed in 14 days unless there is new activity