nektos / act

Run your GitHub Actions locally ๐Ÿš€
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runs-on with matrix.os always use one OS version to generate container #2376

Open demin-han opened 5 days ago

demin-han commented 5 days ago

Bug report info

act version:            0.2.63
GOOS:                   linux
GOARCH:                 amd64
NumCPU:                 16
Docker host:            DOCKER_HOST environment variable is not set
Sockets found:
Config files:           
        -P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
        -P ubuntu-22.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04
        -P ubuntu-20.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
        -P ubuntu-18.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-18.04
Build info:
    Go version:            go1.22.3
    Module path: 
    Main version:          (devel)
    Main path:   
    Main checksum:         
    Build settings:
        -buildmode:           pie
        -compiler:            gc
        -trimpath:            true
        DefaultGODEBUG:       httplaxcontentlength=1,httpmuxgo121=1,tls10server=1,tlsrsakex=1,tlsunsafeekm=1
        CGO_ENABLED:          1
        GOARCH:               amd64
        GOOS:                 linux
        GOAMD64:              v1
Docker Engine:
    Engine version:        26.1.3
    Engine runtime:        runc
    Cgroup version:        2
    Cgroup driver:         systemd
    Storage driver:        overlay2
    Registry URI:
    OS:                    Manjaro Linux
    OS type:               linux
    OS version:            
    OS arch:               x86_64
    OS kernel:             6.9.3-3-MANJARO
    OS CPU:                16
    OS memory:             19965 MB
    Security options:

Command used with act

act -j build --action-offline-mode --artifact-server-path /tmp/act

Describe issue

I reproduce this issue with "pkg/runner/testdata/matrix/push.yml" with a small change.

[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04


[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 [matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] ๐Ÿš€ Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04

There is a small probability that the expected result generated.

Link to GitHub repository

No response

Workflow content

name: matrix
on: push

    name: PHP ${{ matrix.os }} ${{ matrix.node}}
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - run: echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep ${{ matrix.node }}
          NODE_VERSION: ${{ matrix.node }}
        os: [ubuntu-20.04, ubuntu-22.04]
        node: [4, 6, 8, 10]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x, 13.x]
      - run: echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep ${{ matrix.node }}
          NODE_VERSION: ${{ matrix.node }}

Relevant log output

[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:6 os:ubuntu-22.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:4 os:ubuntu-20.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:6 os:ubuntu-20.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:4 os:ubuntu-22.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   | 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   | 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   | 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-22.04 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-20.04 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-20.04 6
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   | 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-22.04 4
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 6-3 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 4-1 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 6-4 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 4-2 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:10 os:ubuntu-22.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:8 os:ubuntu-22.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:10 os:ubuntu-20.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[node:8 os:ubuntu-20.04]
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] โญ Run Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   | 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   | 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   | 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   | 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7]   โœ…  Success - Main echo ${NODE_VERSION} | grep 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-22.04 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-22.04 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-20.04 8
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] Cleaning up container for job PHP ubuntu-20.04 10
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 10-8] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 10-7] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-22.04 8-6 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] ๐Ÿ  Job succeeded
[matrix/PHP ubuntu-20.04 8-5 ] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /home/xxxxx/Data/work/testworkflow): remote not found

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