nektos / act

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`actions/download-artifact@v4` downloads wrong file on `-self-hosted` #2433

Open malciin opened 1 month ago

malciin commented 1 month ago

Bug report info

act version:            0.2.65
GOOS:                   windows
GOARCH:                 amd64
NumCPU:                 24
Docker host:            DOCKER_HOST environment variable is not set
Sockets found:
Config files:
                -P ubuntu-latest=node:16-buster-slim
                -P ubuntu-22.04=node:16-bullseye-slim
                -P ubuntu-20.04=node:16-buster-slim
                -P ubuntu-18.04=node:16-buster-slim
Build info:
        Go version:            go1.21.12
        Module path: 
        Main version:          (devel)
        Main path:   
        Main checksum:
        Build settings:
                -buildmode:           exe
                -compiler:            gc
                -ldflags:             -s -w -X main.version=0.2.65 -X main.commit=bda491e406db6c85865498ced18764bc00491a5e -X -X main.builtBy=goreleaser
                CGO_ENABLED:          0
                GOARCH:               amd64
                GOOS:                 windows
                GOAMD64:              v1
                vcs:                  git
                vcs.revision:         bda491e406db6c85865498ced18764bc00491a5e
                vcs.time:             2024-08-01T02:22:10Z
                vcs.modified:         false

Command used with act

act -P windows=-self-hosted -j test --artifact-server-path ./artifacts

Describe issue

I've found that actions/download-artifact@v4 can download invalid file (even tho name input parameter is specified) when running with -self-hosted flag.

If I use workflow like:

      - run: echo "b content" > b/file.txt
      # - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
      #   with:
      #     name: a
      #     path: ./a
      #     if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: b
          path: ./b
          if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          name: b
          path: ./downloaded
      - run: cat downloaded/file.txt

it will correctly print b content, however if we uncomment these lines we'll get a warning:

::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first. because of following following response:

    "artifacts": [
            "workflowRunBackendId": "1",
            "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",
            "databaseId": "1",
            "name": "a",
            "createdAt": "2024-08-22T17:37:41.104232900Z"
            "workflowRunBackendId": "1",
            "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",
            "databaseId": "1",
            "name": "b",
            "createdAt": "2024-08-22T17:37:31.607801900Z"

And cat downloaded/file.txt will print a content because it downloaded a artifact not the b artifact.

Link to GitHub repository

No response

Workflow content

name: Bugged

    runs-on: windows
      - run: |
          mkdir -p a
          mkdir -p b
      - run: echo "a content" > a/file.txt
      - run: echo "b content" > b/file.txt
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: a
          path: ./a
          if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: b
          path: ./b
          if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          name: b
          path: ./downloaded
      - run: cat downloaded/file.txt

Relevant log output

[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "artifacts": [%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "a",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-08-22T17:37:41.104232900Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "b",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-08-22T17:37:31.607801900Z"%0A    }%0A  ]%0A}
[Bugged/test]   🚧  ::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first.
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:40:41 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "237"%0A}
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "signedUrl": ""%0A}
| Redirecting to blob download url:
| Starting download of artifact to: C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\12edfb9afc9aa2b3\hostexecutor\downloaded
| (node:18208) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
| (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
| Artifact download completed successfully.
| Total of 1 artifact(s) downloaded
| Download artifact has finished successfully
[Bugged/test]   βœ…  Success - Main actions/download-artifact@v4
[Bugged/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: download-path=C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\12edfb9afc9aa2b3\hostexecutor\downloaded
[Bugged/test] ⭐ Run Main cat downloaded/file.txt
| a content
[Bugged/test]   βœ…  Success - Main cat downloaded/file.txt
[Bugged/test] Cleaning up container for job test
[Bugged/test] 🏁  Job succeeded

Additional information

No response

malciin commented 1 month ago

After investigating it a little more using v3 version rather than v4 for both actions/download-artifact & actions/upload-artifact fixes it:

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: a
          path: ./a
          if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: b
          path: ./b
          if-no-files-found: error
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: b
          path: ./downloaded
      - run: cat downloaded/file.txt


[Bugged/test] ⭐ Run Main actions/download-artifact@v3
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Resolved path is C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\f64640ce210193ce\hostexecutor\downloaded
| Starting download for b
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Artifact Url:
| Directory structure has been setup for the artifact
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Download file concurrency is set to 2
| Total number of files that will be downloaded: 2
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\f64640ce210193ce\hostexecutor\downloaded\ size:(153) blksize:(4096) blocks:(0)
[Bugged/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\f64640ce210193ce\hostexecutor\downloaded\file.txt size:(24) blksize:(4096) blocks:(0)
| Artifact b was downloaded to C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\f64640ce210193ce\hostexecutor\downloaded
| Artifact download has finished successfully
[Bugged/test]   βœ…  Success - Main actions/download-artifact@v3
[Bugged/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: download-path=C:\Users\Marcin\.cache\act\f64640ce210193ce\hostexecutor\downloaded
[Bugged/test] ⭐ Run Main cat downloaded/file.txt
| b content
[Bugged/test]   βœ…  Success - Main cat downloaded/file.txt
[Bugged/test] Cleaning up container for job test
[Bugged/test] 🏁  Job succeeded
roryabraham commented 4 days ago

I'm getting the same 🚧 ::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first. on this workflow w/o -self-hosted:

on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create some files
        run: |
          mkdir -p /some/nested/folder
          echo "file1.txt" >> /some/nested/folder/file1.txt
          echo "file2.txt" >> /some/nested/folder/file2.txt
          mkdir -p /some/nested/folder/deeper
          echo "file3.txt" >> /some/nested/folder/deeper/file3.txt

      - name: Upload file1 artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: file1
          path: /some/nested/folder/file1.txt

      - name: Upload file2 artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: file2
          path: /some/nested/folder/file2.txt

      - name: Upload file3 artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: file3
          path: /some/nested/folder/deeper/file3.txt

      - name: Download artifacts
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          path: /etc/usr/artifacts
          pattern: file*
          merge-multiple: true

      - name: Print directory structure
        run: ls -R /etc/usr/artifacts

Run with: act --container-architecture linux/arm64 --artifact-server-path /tmp/artifacts -W .github/workflows/localTesting.yml

Full output:

act --container-architecture linux/arm64 --artifact-server-path /tmp/artifacts -W  .github/workflows/localTesting.yml
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock' 
INFO[0000] Start server on   
[localTesting.yml/test] πŸš€  Start
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker pull platform=linux/arm64 username= forcePull=true
[localTesting.yml/test] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker create platform=linux/arm64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker run platform=linux/arm64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[node --no-warnings -e console.log(process.execPath)] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=v4
[localTesting.yml/test]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=v4
[localTesting.yml/test]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=v4
[localTesting.yml/test]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=v4
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Create some files
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Create some files
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Upload file1 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker cp src=/Users/roryabraham/.cache/act/actions-upload-artifact@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[/opt/acttoolcache/node/18.20.4/arm64/bin/node /var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/dist/upload/index.js] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::matchDirectories 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Search path '/some/nested/folder/file1.txt'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::File:/some/nested/folder/file1.txt was found using the provided searchPath
| With the provided path, there will be 1 file uploaded
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Root artifact directory is /some/nested/folder
| Artifact name is valid!
| Root directory input is valid!
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] CreateArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:47 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "251",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "signedUploadUrl": ""%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Creating Artifact archive with compressionLevel: 6
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip write high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip read high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Uploading artifact zip to blob storage with maxConcurrency: 192, bufferSize: 8388608
| Beginning upload of artifact content to blob storage
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has ended.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has finished.
| Uploaded bytes 144
| Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!
| SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is db513bc03bc6f4bb01c2945a028102ec022d408737e6f26e5f16554e4706190d
| Finalizing artifact upload
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] FinalizeArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:47 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "28",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "artifactId": "1"%0A}
| Artifact successfully finalized. Artifact ID 1
| Artifact file1 has been successfully uploaded! Final size is 144 bytes. Artifact ID is 1
| Artifact download URL:
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Upload file1 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-id=1
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-url=
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Upload file2 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker cp src=/Users/roryabraham/.cache/act/actions-upload-artifact@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[/opt/acttoolcache/node/18.20.4/arm64/bin/node /var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/dist/upload/index.js] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::matchDirectories 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Search path '/some/nested/folder/file2.txt'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::File:/some/nested/folder/file2.txt was found using the provided searchPath
| With the provided path, there will be 1 file uploaded
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Root artifact directory is /some/nested/folder
| Artifact name is valid!
| Root directory input is valid!
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] CreateArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:47 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "251",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "signedUploadUrl": ""%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Creating Artifact archive with compressionLevel: 6
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip write high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip read high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Uploading artifact zip to blob storage with maxConcurrency: 192, bufferSize: 8388608
| Beginning upload of artifact content to blob storage
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has ended.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has finished.
| Uploaded bytes 144
| Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!
| SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is 3f94f7e3657456e81c8be997984cd61851af9ee007403971b8b07abed0aaee9b
| Finalizing artifact upload
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] FinalizeArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:47 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "28",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "artifactId": "1"%0A}
| Artifact successfully finalized. Artifact ID 1
| Artifact file2 has been successfully uploaded! Final size is 144 bytes. Artifact ID is 1
| Artifact download URL:
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Upload file2 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-id=1
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-url=
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Upload file3 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker cp src=/Users/roryabraham/.cache/act/actions-upload-artifact@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[/opt/acttoolcache/node/18.20.4/arm64/bin/node /var/run/act/actions/actions-upload-artifact@v4/dist/upload/index.js] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::followSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::implicitDescendants 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::matchDirectories 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::omitBrokenSymbolicLinks 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::excludeHiddenFiles 'true'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Search path '/some/nested/folder/deeper/file3.txt'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::File:/some/nested/folder/deeper/file3.txt was found using the provided searchPath
| With the provided path, there will be 1 file uploaded
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Root artifact directory is /some/nested/folder/deeper
| Artifact name is valid!
| Root directory input is valid!
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] CreateArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "251",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "signedUploadUrl": ""%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Creating Artifact archive with compressionLevel: 6
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip write high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip read high watermark value 8388608
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Uploading artifact zip to blob storage with maxConcurrency: 192, bufferSize: 8388608
| Beginning upload of artifact content to blob storage
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has ended.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Zip stream for upload has finished.
| Uploaded bytes 144
| Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!
| SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is bbd18902d7f7cb502bee8f426be23a03ca7d177290f5a50057409df427fba2f4
| Finalizing artifact upload
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] FinalizeArtifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "28",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "ok": true,%0A  "artifactId": "1"%0A}
| Artifact successfully finalized. Artifact ID 1
| Artifact file3 has been successfully uploaded! Final size is 144 bytes. Artifact ID is 1
| Artifact download URL:
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Upload file3 artifact
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-id=1
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: artifact-url=
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Download artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker cp src=/Users/roryabraham/.cache/act/actions-download-artifact@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-download-artifact@v4/
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[/opt/acttoolcache/node/18.20.4/arm64/bin/node /var/run/act/actions/actions-download-artifact@v4/dist/index.js] user= workdir=
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Resolved path is /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] ListArtifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "459",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "artifacts": [%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file1",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:13.830104161Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file2",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.358588875Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file3",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.875335622Z"%0A    }%0A  ]%0A}
| Found 3 artifact(s)
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Found 3 artifacts in run
| Filtering artifacts by pattern 'file*'
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Filtered from 3 to 3 artifacts
| Preparing to download the following artifacts:
| - file1 (ID: 1, Size: 96)
| - file2 (ID: 1, Size: 96)
| - file3 (ID: 1, Size: 96)
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Artifact destination folder does not exist, creating: /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Artifact destination folder does not exist, creating: /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Artifact destination folder does not exist, creating: /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] ListArtifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] ListArtifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 1
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] ListArtifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "459",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "artifacts": [%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file1",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:13.830104161Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file2",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.358588875Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file3",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.875335622Z"%0A    }%0A  ]%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   🚧  ::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "459",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "artifacts": [%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file1",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:13.830104161Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file2",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.358588875Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file3",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.875335622Z"%0A    }%0A  ]%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   🚧  ::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "459",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "artifacts": [%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file1",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:13.830104161Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file2",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.358588875Z"%0A    },%0A    {%0A      "workflowRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "workflowJobRunBackendId": "1",%0A      "databaseId": "1",%0A      "name": "file3",%0A      "size": "96",%0A      "createdAt": "2024-09-19T00:58:14.875335622Z"%0A    }%0A  ]%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   🚧  ::warning::Multiple artifacts found, defaulting to first.
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "237",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "signedUrl": ""%0A}
| Redirecting to blob download url:
| Starting download of artifact to: /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "237",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "signedUrl": ""%0A}
| Redirecting to blob download url:
| Starting download of artifact to: /etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::[Response] - 200
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Headers: {%0A  "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",%0A  "date": "Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:17:48 GMT",%0A  "content-length": "237",%0A  "connection": "close"%0A}
[localTesting.yml/test]   πŸ’¬  ::debug::Body: {%0A  "signedUrl": ""%0A}
| Redirecting to blob download url:
| Starting download of artifact to: /etc/usr/artifacts
| (node:87) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
| (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
| Artifact download completed successfully.
| Artifact download completed successfully.
| Artifact download completed successfully.
| Total of 3 artifact(s) downloaded
| Download artifact has finished successfully
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Download artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test]   βš™  ::set-output:: download-path=/etc/usr/artifacts
[localTesting.yml/test] ⭐ Run Main Print directory structure
[localTesting.yml/test]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail /var/run/act/workflow/5] user= workdir=
| /etc/usr/artifacts:
| file1.txt
[localTesting.yml/test]   βœ…  Success - Main Print directory structure
[localTesting.yml/test] Cleaning up container for job test
[localTesting.yml/test] 🏁  Job succeeded

As you can see, only file1.txt is downloaded, but I think it's a πŸ› with act. Confirmed it works as expected if I switch actions/download-artifact to v3