nelmio / NelmioApiDocBundle

Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations
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More Advanced Area Filtering Based on `@Areas` Annotations and Config #1425

Open ThomasLabstep opened 5 years ago

ThomasLabstep commented 5 years ago


The documentation is unclear, but I see this in the source code:

 * @internal
final class TagDescribersPass implements CompilerPassInterface
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('nelmio_api_doc.describer') as $id => $tags) {
            $describer = $container->getDefinition($id);
            foreach ($container->getParameter('nelmio_api_doc.areas') as $area) {
                foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                    $describer->addTag(sprintf('nelmio_api_doc.describer.%s', $area), $tag);

I want to make different api documentation url display a tagged list of endpoint (that share the exact same path, all my endpoints are /api or /public-api, but I want to filter them out into 3 tags).

Any idea?


GuilhemN commented 5 years ago

I think what you're looking for is, right?

chrisguitarguy commented 2 years ago

So general gist: we have this with_annotation thing that allows restricting an area to those routes tagged with @Areas, but this is probably more along the lines of "include routes tagged with area1, area2, and area3.