nels-o / toaster

A wee Win8 console notifications app. Post toast notifications from the console, making it easy to integrate into existing batch scripts etc.
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Toast's not appearing #6

Open Patabugen opened 8 years ago

Patabugen commented 8 years ago

I'm having some trouble with toast messages calling it from bash in Windows.

If I use the -w option it seems to wait for a couple of minutes before continuing, if I don't it continues but I don't get the message.

I'm on Windows 8.1 using both ComEmu and Console2 as terminal emulators, it seems to work fine in Git Bash. Sometimes it also works fine but I get duplicate messages.

I'd be happy to help debug/provide more details - but I'm not sure how to at the moment. Any suggestions/requests would be appreciated.

vorou commented 7 years ago

Can reproduce on Win10 Enterprise.

Tried both PowerShell (through ConEmu) and plain old cmd.exe window.

Patabugen commented 7 years ago

It's been a long time since I had this issue and I don't think I have any problems currently.

vorou commented 7 years ago

Oh, it turned out I just disabled toast notifications in Win settings and forgot about it.

nels-o commented 7 years ago

I should add a note about that setting to the documentation for this.