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Stand out from the crowd #18

Open sync-by-unito[bot] opened 3 years ago

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

Generic answers (stories) to prepare 1.hard-won triumph. How do you deal with failure? Briefly talk about the harshest moment, and then focus on how you battled back, and then salute the people who helped you. It demonstrates that you have the grit, team-building skills, and relevance to the job.

2.influence. Can you guide people to yes? leaders = visionaries who inspire self-sacrifice. A leader does not exist without the ability to persuade.

3.technical skills. Do you have a story proving your great technical skills?

4.culture-fit. The FBI used to ask prospective agents what books they read until an underground network of tipsters figured out the ideal answer: “Tom Clancy spy novels.”

5.fascination. What’s fascinating about you? What makes you different from other people?


A great candidate will: Be able to talk for the full time about the project, with interaction from the interviewer being conversational rather than directing

Be knowledgeable about the project as a whole, rather than only their area of focus, and be able to articulate the intent and design of the project

Be passionate about whatever the project was, and able to describe the elements of the project that inspired that passion clearly

Be able to clearly explain what alternatives were considered, and why they chose the implementation strategy that they did.

Have reflected on and learned from their experiences

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sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

➤ Nelson 3513 commented:
ChuckMcM on July 8, 2017 [–]

Two things that I always advise new managers when I promote them or hire them. First, (for new managers) managing people is a completely different skill set from engineering, expect to suck at it when you start and let go of your hard won pride that you developed becoming an awesome software engineer.

One of the "failure" modes of new managers is that they are so uncomfortable doing these new things, and so comfortable in the software engineering role that they find excuses to write code and do development which makes the team wonder why the 'boss' is trying to do their job, and it takes your eye off actual things you should be looking out for and fixing (like team mates getting conflicted, people who are having trouble but not asking for help, etc.)

Second, your success is entirely in your team's hands. It is their ability to do the work and make the deliverable and their production that shows you that you are doing a good job. This is so challenging for people who are used to being on the development team and measuring their success by comparing their "production" to that of the team. Now "they" haven't accomplished anything, but the folks writing code, they built all sorts of cool things to brag about.

So understanding that your success is tied to keeping your team understanding where they need to be, and knocking down any roadblocks in their way, is critical. It's also a different way of thinking for a lot of developers.