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Early Night? > Evening Routine #145

Open nelsonic opened 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Is getting into a good sleep routine worth more in the long term than staying up late to "get work done" today?

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@tomfrankly 7 Things You Need to STOP Doing at Night image

Another great video Thomas! The highlights/notes: 0:35 1. Stop going to bed at inconsistent times ... Determine how much sleep you need and your Chronotype then establish a clear bed time and stick to it. e.g: 22:00 to maximise the natural "sleep pressure" of your Circadian rhythm 1:34 2. Stop doing your main activities well before bedtime. Set a "wind down" time at least 30 mins before your bed time. The point at which you should stop doing whatever you're doing start getting ready to go to bed. 2:35 3. Stop Using the Internet before bed. "Nothing has a greater ability to trick you into staying up later and later". Fully shut down your computer and put your phone somewhere cannot distract you. 3:31 4. Stop drinking caffeinated drinks 8 hours before your target bed time as the half-life of caffeine is 5 to 6 hours. This means if that your bed time is 22:00 and your drink caffeine after lunch (14:00), 25%+ of the caffeine is still in your system which is blocking Adenosine receptors and preventing natural restful sleep. i.e. caffeine destroys sleep quality! Drink herbal tea infusions that are naturally caffeine free, e.g: Chamomile 4:43 5. Don't go to bed angry. Each day is a self-contained journey. Don't end it with negative 5:17 6. (Maybe) Stop working out late at night. Working out raises your core body temperature which makes it more difficult to fall asleep and can interrupt your sleep. Working out in the morning (in a fasting state) is more effective for both muscle building and fat burning. Discipline yourself to wake up 20-30mins earlier and do your exercise in the morning. 6:11 7. Stop leaving messes for yourself to clean up the next day. Interrupting your morning momentum with having to clean up mess has knock-on effects that makes your entire day less effective. Use part of your 30 min wind-down time to clean-up your space. Tidy up tasks are low cognitive load and often relaxing.

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