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takers academy ... £4,000 for the Remote Course!! #263

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago is charging £4,000 for their remote course: takers-academy-pricing

Does anyone else see a problem with this...?

More than half world's people (still) don't have access to the internet. and it's estimated that 3 Billion People (still) live on less than $2.50 per day. Granted at that income level people aren't going to have cash for a computer in a hurry, so they are unlikely to be writing web applications ... but if they were able to save together the cash to afford a Raspberry Pi ($35) they could start learning ... and if their village/town had an internet cafe they would be able to join the None of this is possible if learning materials are hidden behind a "Pay Wall"... 😞

What is the Marginal Cost of running a Remote Training Program? Could they sell it for say £200 instead...? How about Free...?

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Makers' <> Phoenix in 2018 ?

What is the "bet" that Makers' "transition" to Phoenix by Summer of 2018 ?

Their curriculum while well-defined appears to be stuck in 2009: image
As if the internet didn't "move on" from Ruby-on-Rails and JQuery ... 🤔

I wager that Makers' will "see the light" at some point in Mid 2017 and start having "discussions" about it towards the Autumn (always in private of course because why would you want to be transparent about anything...?) and .then maybe by 2018 they will be including Phoenix in their curriculum.

On a side note, have a look at their GitHub: makers github

None of their "core" learning material is public. only a handful of basic "challenges" are public so that their students can fork/clone them. and only 34 people have made their membership of the Org public. What does that tell you about their culture...?

By contrast everything we do is 100% Open Source and for the benefit of the community not the "investors": snapshot (incognito mode) image

Meanwhile we are going to all be "Boss Level" in "New Stack" by April 2017 and have 3 Complete Open Source Projects available on GitHub! So... actually, maybe Makers' won't adopt Phoenix, because they will probably see it as "NIH" and "stick with what they know and are good at ..." i.e. Rails & JQuery...

Why Does This Matter?

It doesn't it's just a little prediction. I'm not going to change what I'm doing because anyone else is trying something different or choosing to stick with what they know. Just going to stay focussed on building and watch what happens in 2017/18 😉

nelsonic commented 6 years ago £416.67 per week plus living expenses ... image image

via: image

nelsonic commented 6 years ago image image

iteles commented 6 years ago

Constructor Labs began at £3,000 for the course - looks like they upped their prices this year.

nelsonic commented 6 years ago lambdaschool-20k

It's "free" and we "own you" (17% of income!) for two years or $20k up-front.

I can see how this would be "appealing" to people. If I had "no money" and wanted a structured way to learn web skills with a reasonably guaranteed "job opportunity" at the end, this would appeal.


Want to know what we cover? Give us your personal data first!


I still thinking learning/education should be free as in "sun light" not "free until you pay us back" ...

nelsonic commented 6 years ago €3,324 up-front or €3,499 ("payment plan") image

@iteles Apparently you follow them on Twitter: image

iteles commented 6 years ago

Yes, I follow a few of these types of 'bootcamps' but I haven't seen a post from them in my feed possibly ever so engagement probably isn't high (at least from me).

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

If you thought "Makers" Remote was a ripoff ... "Full Stack" Remote Tuition is $17,910


This in a nutshell is the problem with the world!! The problem is that they are "VC Funded" by none other than YCombinator and need to squeeze as much money out of participants as possible.

To be clear I think the program looks superb and if I had that kind of money and was starting out, I would be tempted by it ... but that's exactly the problem. The tech industry does not need more people with easy access to $17,910 getting in. It needs people who have zero dollars but real perspective on life.

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Ok, these guys win the prize for the most over-priced: image

£5k for two weeks of "summer school" ... 😮 💸