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Designing Your Life #405

Open nelsonic opened 6 years ago

nelsonic commented 6 years ago


iteles commented 6 years ago

' "What's your passion?" is a bogus question that makes you feel screwed when you deserve not to be screwed' at around 6m30

iteles commented 6 years ago

Developmental psychology has known for the last decade that the age at which people typically start to become their natural selves, the age at which they decide that this is the 'me' I want to start investing in is between 30 and 35. At 8m35

nelsonic commented 6 years ago


nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Life Problems we all face: image

If you're broke, on top of all the other problems, you've got money problems: image

"The key to happiness is doing what you love" ~ Tony Hawk image


nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Guess what I’m reading this evening …


not going to spend too much time on this cause I want to get to bed early, but want a break from screens before bed, I read that’s a good idea. So this is the book I picked off the shelf.

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Enjoying the book so far. But really need a reading tracker to help me carve out my time. 💭