nelsonic /

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Technology Entrepreneur Assistant €33k/year #861

Open nelsonic opened 2 years ago

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

€2k sign-on bonus paid for successful applicant regardless of duration of employment. Monthly compensation paid in advance. Can be paid in any currency or Crypto.

Fully remote or “hybrid” once working relationship established. Paid travel (all expenses paid) for intro + training. Room in mansion available either just during training or longer term. Gourmet Food, pool, gym, cinema, lab, housekeeper, laundry, etc.

20% share of any profit made in business ventures spun out of lab. Expect to work hard. But potential upside could be 10x salary so bring your A-game.

Only prerequisites:

Highly desirable: some sort of technical background. E.g: knowledge of mathematics, computer science, physics etc.

Bonus: any/all of:

Duration and Time Commitment

This can either be a short or long-term part or full-time position. 100% flexible. e.g. you could stay for 3 months, and decide you want to do something else, that's fine! All we ask is that when you're working, you are focussed on the work and don't get distracted.

Job Title?

Very few jobs let you pick your own job title. This is one of them. While the work you will be doing will be varied, if you prefer to pick a specific title e.g "Tech Lead" or "Production Manager", you are free to use your imagination. We will 100% support your choice even "CEO"!!

We understand and even embrace that you won't do this job "for ever" and will actively help you find your next job with a stelar LinkedIn Recommendation, reference and interview coaching.

Type of Work?

The work will be varied. One week you might be helping to create a website or writing code for an App, the other you might out flying FPV drones or helping to edit a video for product demo. The point is everything will be a "mini project". If variety appeals to you, this is perfect.


Start Date: 15th June 2022 or as soon as possible after then.

Please send your CV + brief intro email to: