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How to avoid being in the `90%` of companies/startups that fail? #877

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Most articles online are biased toward the US 🇺🇸 where there is a history of entrepreneurship and small business. When the European pilgrims and settlers colonised North America, they had to create everything they wanted themselves.


The US Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a "small" business as one with 500 employees or less. Most small businesses provide a well-known product or service. Think restaurant, coffee shop, accountant, lawyer, dentist, etc. A relatively tiny subset of small businesses are focussed on creative technology; creating something new to solve an existing problem. These are often referred to as "startups": It is a miss characterisation to describe all small businesses as "startups" but the term is widely used by media and culture.

To be continued ...