nelsonomuto / angular-ui-form-validation

Directives for angularjs field validation
MIT License
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form.$invalid=false on pristine form with required fields #48

Closed luisvsilva closed 8 years ago

luisvsilva commented 9 years ago

If i don't change any values on any input fields form$invalid = false, but i have required fields so it should be true. It all starts working once i start typing on any field.

Is this expected behavior? If so how do I control enabled/disable state of a submit button?

nelsonomuto commented 9 years ago

Yes this is because the form is pristine, meaning it has not been touched yet. Therefore it is a valid form and it would be rude UX to display errors before a user has begun entering information.

nelsonomuto commented 9 years ago

I will add a validationSubmit directive, so you should simply add the validation-submit attribute to your submit button and set its value as the function to be called on click of the button, and it will toggle a valid and invalid class to show whether it is enabled/disabled.

nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: The Cost of Self-Made EA

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Hi Solution Architecture group,

Are you using Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint to visualize your IT and business landscape?

If so, stop now.

In an attempt to save money, many organizations opt for using free tools for high-level Enterprise Architecture tasks. These free tools are merely not specialized enough to produce professional EA support, nor results.

Download our newest whitepaper here: (

This white paper demonstrates the value of using a professional Enterprise Architecture solution and provides you with evidence that professional solutions are worth the price
•Professional EAM solutions offer:
•Complex modeling capabilities
•Essential integrations - e.g., Signavio, ServiceNow, Technopedia
•High quality visualizations
•Ease of Use & Collaboration
•Ensured data quality
•Demonstrable compliance capabilities

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: [Free Poster] How to answer the top questions of enterprise architecture stakeholders

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Dear Solution Architect Groups Members,

This week my recommended download is a poster that shows how enterprise architecture can various stakeholders: CIO, CTO, IT Manager, etc. Each stakeholder has different informational needs that can be solved by EA.

For example:

Which applications support my processes? (BPO)
What risks are posed by technological obsolescence? (CTO)
Which applications contain sensitive data? (CISO)

Download the EA Stakeholders here: (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: [Free Poster] Master Digitalization with Lean Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Dear Solution Architect Groups Members,

The top recommended download for this week is a poster that illustrates how a lean Enterprise Architecture approach can help prepare your company for the challenges of the digital age.

This poster highlights top EA focus points:

  1. Enabling agility in teams and operations

  2. Incorporating dynamic operating models

  3. Focusing on quality

  4. Decisive & action oriented Enterprise Architecture

    Download the free Lean EAM Poster here: (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: What to Make of Blockchain as Solution Architect

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Hello Solution Architect group,

One of the trending topics of the year is blockchain, but do you know how it affects you?
I highly recommend reading this whitepaper:

Blockchain technology is sweeping the world with possibility and has the potential to spark a considerable change in the workflow of business procedures and pave the way for innovation and growth. In the business world, blockchain will radically change the enterprise by eliminating third-party facilitators, increasing data security and efficiency, and increasing the speed of transactions. Gartner projects that blockchain’s business value-add will grow to $176 billion by 2025.

Blockchain technology is poised to be one of the highest priorities for enterprises. This white paper will explore three key enterprise use cases, explore corporate blockchain pioneers, and give enterprise architects the foundations to begin investigating suitable platforms that may benefit their companies in the future. (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: Show the value of architecture to your stakeholders! [Free Online Tool]

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Dear Solution Architect Group,

I was approached the other day by our CFO, asking me why we were investing so much in our architecture department… needless to say, I did not have all of the answers at the top of my hand. For this reason I did a bit of research and found this nifty tool which gives you a detailed report of how much you are saving the company and why a solution architect’s job is so important.

Check it out here: (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: Best Practices to Define Technology Stacks [Free Template]

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Dear Solution Architects,

I recently created this Poster which helps you create and map the perfect technology stack for your organization.

Technology stacks or IT capability modeling is a technique for the representation of an organization’s IT anchor model; independent of the organization’s structure, processes, people, or domains. Whether you are in the banking industry, insurance industry, automotive, or logistics; this generic technology stack is the perfect starting point.

Additionally, it contains tips and best practices on how to get started with mapping your technology stack and creating a complete overview of your IT component landscape.

Get it here: (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Organizational Culture Change Agents Subject: Walking Our Talk - Is anyone listening?

Angela Airall, MBA Executive Leadership Development, Talent Management and Executive Coach

Hello there. What a powerful array of articles and stories being made in this group. I'm noticing that most members are not responding to one another. Without responses ("Like and/or Comment") it is difficult to know what insights are cherished by the group, what is being replicated and what contributions are helpful. Let's begin to create the compassionate and generous cultures we are leading in our organizations. Starting right here. THANKS TO ALL WHO ARE CONTRIBUTING!

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: Free Poster: Reshape your IT with 24 key Enterprise Architecture Views

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Dear Solution Architect group,

This Poster gives you an overview of 24 types of key Solution Architecture Views you need to have for your business. Viewpoints are great to focus on particular points of your IT Architecture, Business Architecture or other. These viewpoints are determined by the concerns of the stakeholder. Which type of reports you want to show your stakeholder completely depends on their concerns.

Get it here: (

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© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.

nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: Business Capabilities: How to win the digital age with a common language for Business & IT

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

In the digital age the role of technology shifts from supporting processes of the business strategy to the key factory of strategy execution itself. Information Technology helps that customers receive their shirt ordered online the next day, it helps that they can read their newspaper during their commute on an iPad and that the invoices for these services are processed without friction. As a result, the challenge how to bridge the gap between strategy and execution in IT becomes much more pressing.

This gap is often caused by organizations speaking many languages. They speak of missions, strategies, goals, processes and projects. The CEO speaks of “making mobile first a priority”, Marketing of “increasing the share of wallet with millennials” and IT of “load balancing the Linux server cluster”. Which one is the right language? Business capabilities have the potential to serve as this common language.

This whitepaper helps to understand what Business Capabilities are, it explains why it makes your life easier and it gives a practical guidance how to develop an own business capability model in four main steps.

Get it here: (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: What will happen if you’re not able to make your Coaching/ Consulting business work?

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Before this client started working with my good friend Extus, they were generating less than $3,000 per month inside of their Coaching/ Consulting business.

All of the clients that they enrolled would come from word of mouth marketing.

However, they realized that if they wanted to increase their income they’d need to do two things.

a. Increase their fees

b. Learn how to use the internet to set up predictable client attraction and conversion systems inside of their business

Before they started working with my friend Extus, one of their biggest worries was that if they didn’t figure out how to make their business work, they’d have to go back to being an employee and work for a company that they didn’t particularly like.

They’d been running their own Coaching/ Consulting business for close to 2 years and they really enjoyed the flexibility of working wherever and whenever they wanted.

And they just couldn’t see themselves going back to being a “9-5 person”

As a result, they reached out to Extus to see what they needed to do to take their business to the next level.

And 9 weeks into working with Extus here’s what’s happened

See case study image below


P.S - If you’re interested in learning what Extus is sharing with Extus's clients that’s allowing them to achieve such results then click on the link below to check out his free training. (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: Solution Architect Subject: Free Training Video - What To Do If You’re Starting Your Coaching/ Consulting Business From Scratch

Faiz Pasha Sr.Manager (Wireless Solutions) at ComGuard

Click on the link below to watch the video (

Not too long ago, my good friend Extus Justin who is one of the most successful Coaches/ Consultants I know was asked this this question.

“Hey Extus, I’ve been following you for quite some time now and I love your material! Here’s my question.

If you lost everything and had to start your Coaching/ Consulting business over from scratch, what specifically would you do to get to 6 figures within the next 6 months?”

As a result, he shot this video to share his answer with you

Click on the link below to watch the video (

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

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nelsonomuto commented 6 years ago

Group: NIT RAIPUR Subject: NIT Raipur Placements is Starting

Sudeep Gupta Growth Hacker, IT Professional and an Entrepreneur,

NITRaipur #Placement

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur is beginning with its Placement Session for 2018-19. Batch Of 2019 has excellent developers and programmers who have exceptional projects on Java, Angular JS, React JS, Machine Learning, IoT, Block-chain and have pursued internships with some reputed companies and Institutions all over the country.
We have sport programmers who have featured with good ranks in platforms like HackerRank , CodeChef ,etc.Our students have proved their mettle in various top tier competitions including GSoC, Deloitte TechnoUtsav 2018, Smart India Hackathon, etc.

We invite the best software & Analytics companies for campus recruitment. Interested companies may mail us at or InMail me directly.

Rohit Agarwal
Placement Coordinator

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