nemac / climate-explorer

Climate Explorer map application
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Optimize bbox queries #129

Open jwilson8767 opened 3 years ago

jwilson8767 commented 3 years ago

In stationsMap.js we load a JSON file of points (lat/long) into ArcGIS JS API, then (later) convert them to geoJSON and then use Turf.js to do point-in-polygon math. We can improve this by using the built-in functionality of the ArcGIS JS API (queryFeatures) or even just use simple math operations. This will save loading Turf.js(128kb package), and save copying the original points several times.

daveism commented 3 years ago

Actually, I disagree. I find turf to be more performant than the ArcGIS JS API, and Turf is logically easier to follow. Maybe we can set up a simple test and see.

jwilson8767 commented 3 years ago

I'm not saying Turf is slower than the JS API. I'm saying in this case, the way we're loading both is unnecessary and that this particular problem does not require the 128kb package that is Turf. In fact, this problem can be solved using simple math because we're only checking if the points are within a given bbox.

jwilson8767 commented 3 years ago

I also don't think this is urgent, was just bookmarking for the next time we're working on the stationsMap.js or are looking to trim some dependencies.

daveism commented 3 years ago

actually we are checking if the points are in the box of the map extent. We do this to avoid presenting the entire list of stations when the user is viewing a county. During usability testing particpants did not exepect the entire list, they expected the list to only contain the stations within the map extent.

jwilson8767 commented 3 years ago

That still doesn't require a geospatial library.