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Rain rendering order problem revisited #53

Closed geoderek closed 10 years ago

geoderek commented 10 years ago

Per Steve N: In a single brower-ForWarn session, I was able to get the hotspots and fire polygons to fall both ABOVE and BELOW a change raster, by varying the order in which I toggled them on. Both the hotspots and fire polygons must consistently be above the raster to be functioning correctly.

I started with a change raster for 2011 Oct 31 1 year baseline, then added the 2011 polygon and hotspots that rendered under the raster. If I had been using all lands, I would have been able to see nothing appear at all. When I then toggled on and off the change raster, the raster appeared on top of the fire perimeter and hotspots.

I thought there were no hotspots associated with the Bastrop Fire because they only appeared in the non-forest area at first. The hidden polygon clued me in to the problem; otherwise, I could have easily made an incorrect interpretation as to cause had I not known this already!,ADD,AAC,AAB&mask=Forest&alphas=1,0.97,0.34,1&accgp=G04&basemap=USA_Topo&extent=-10860209.495813,3505840.9008856,-10786982.822715,3540963.7153826