nemanja-kovacevic / recycler-view-swipe-to-delete

Sample project showing "swipe to delete" on a recycler view with no 3rd parties involved. It also include drawing on empty space while items are animating and an "undo" option
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The drawable is rendered above the swiped view #3

Open bobymicroby opened 7 years ago

bobymicroby commented 7 years ago

When you swipe the xMark is shown above the row. If you release the swipe it still stays on top until you swipe another row.

screen shot 2016-08-26 at 12 13 28 pm
grarup commented 7 years ago

You can solve this by simply adding this around xMark.draw(c).;
c.clipRect(itemView.getRight() + (int) dX, itemView.getTop(), itemView.getRight(), itemView.getBottom());
JimVanG commented 7 years ago

My PR fixes this issue as well, without having to go through the draw process.