nemein / com_meego_packages

MeeGo Community Applications browser
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Sensible URL schema for better usability #1

Closed feri closed 13 years ago

feri commented 13 years ago

This component supposed to serve two groups of people:

For the 1st group we need to make navigation as simple as possible. URLs should always reflect the MeeGo UX (user experience) context. For example getting a list of games for IVI should be as simple as going to: . The users in this group should not be overwhelmed with information such as multiple variants or versions of a certain package, multiple repositories that a package resides etc.


For the 2nd group we just need to make sure that they can reach every individual rpm or deb package that has been imported to the system. Still having easy to remember and bookmarkable URLs is a must.

feri commented 13 years ago

Fix can be verified at