nene / sql-parser-cst

Parses SQL into Concrete Syntax Tree (CST)
GNU General Public License v2.0
112 stars 7 forks source link

Add support for Postgres Aggregate expressions #75

Open roman-vanesyan opened 1 month ago

roman-vanesyan commented 1 month ago

Hey! First of all, I'd like to thank you for your work. You're truly doing an awesome job!

Recently I've been dealing with Postgres aggregate expressions and is failing on formatting them. AFAIA, the prettier plugin is based on this parser. I tried to look across this repository's issues but seems like there is no tracking ticket for this functionality.

Here you can read about aggregate expressions

Here is an example of a query for which formatter is failing:

SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FILTER (WHERE status = 'active') AS ids
FROM email_addresses
WHERE id = ANY (@to_email_addresses::UUID[]); 

The stack trace:

[error] db/query.sql: Error: Syntax Error: Unexpected ")"
[error] Was expecting to see: "!", "!=", "!~", "!~*", "!~~", "!~~*", "#", "#-", "#>", "#>>", "%", "&", "(", "*", "+", "-", "->", "->>", ".", "/", "::", "<", "<<", "<=", "<>", "<@", "=", ">", ">=", ">>", "?", "?&", "?|", "@", "@>", "@?", "@@", "AND", "AT", "BETWEEN", "COLLATE", "ILIKE", "IN", "IS", "ISNULL", "LIKE", "NOT", "NOTNULL", "OPERATOR", "OR", "SIMILAR", "[", "^", "^@", "`", "|", "|/", "||", "||/", "~", "~*", "~~", "~~*", or whitespace
[error] --> /Users/roman/dev/work/atcirclesquare/emailer/db/query.sql:43:53
[error]    |
[error] 43 | SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FILTER (WHERE status = 'active') AS ids
[error]    |                                                     ^
[error]     at parse (/emailer/node_modules/sql-parser-cst/lib/main.js:40:19)
[error]     at Object.parse (/emailer/node_modules/prettier-plugin-sql-cst/dist/index.js:41:76)
[error]     at parse4 (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/index.mjs:22117:24)
[error]     at async coreFormat (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/index.mjs:22607:7)
[error]     at async formatWithCursor (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/index.mjs:22809:14)
[error]     at async formatFiles (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/internal/cli.mjs:6673:18)
[error]     at async main (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/internal/cli.mjs:7081:5)
[error]     at async (file://node-versions/v20.11.1/installation/lib/node_modules/prettier/internal/cli.mjs:7027:5)

Here are the dependencies versions:

  "dependencies": {
    "prettier": "^3.2.5",
    "prettier-plugin-sql-cst": "^0.11.4"

Prettier config:

      files: ["*.sql"],
      options: {
        parser: "postgresql",
        sqlCanonicalSyntax: true,
        sqlKeywordCase: "upper",
        sqlParamTypes: ["?", "$nr", ":name", "@name", "$name"]
nene commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting.

This is indeed a problem in the parser. Looks like I have skipped over this part of PostgreSQL documentation. Thanks for the link.

Apparently I have explicitly enabled the FILTER syntax only for SQLite. Should be a simple fix to right it.

nene commented 1 month ago

Fixed the FILTER-issue. But there's more in this aggregate function syntax that I'm missing.

Will probably do a release with just that fix though.

roman-vanesyan commented 1 month ago

Could you please cut the release as well?

nene commented 1 month ago

@roman-vanesyan the release with this fix is now out and I've also released new version of the prettier plugin.