nens / threedi-modelchecker

Tool to verify the correctness of a 3Di model
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check for connected surfaces #63

Closed Jonasvsl closed 2 years ago

Jonasvsl commented 3 years ago

There should be a warning to users to indicate how much m2 of i(impervious) surfaces is connected to a manhole.

A query like this: CREATE TABLE total_impervious_area_connected_to_node AS SELECT isurfmap.connection_node_id AS connection_node_id, sum(isurf.area*isurfmap.percentage/100.0) as total_area_connected, connection_node.the_geom FROM v2_impervious_surface AS isurf, v2_connection_nodes AS connection_node, v2_impervious_surface_map AS isurfmap WHERE isurfmap.connection_node_id = AND isurfmap.impervious_surface_id = GROUP BY connection_node_id, connection_node.the_geom ORDER BY sum(isurf.area*isurfmap.percentage) DESC ;

Is an example on how to summarize the total m2 per connection node.

Divided by the area of the v2_manhole gives an indicator whether the mapping done by the user makes sense or that it is an exaggeration. It is also indicates the stability of the model.

From the manual of one of the manufactures: A max can be 800m2 for a swirl (kolk). Note that a swirl is not one on one the same as a manhole.

Empircally swirls are every 25 meters (both sides of the street) and a manhole can be longer, 50m. So a treshold for a manhole can be 6 x 800 = 4800 m2. Every value above that treshold should result in a warning indicating the manhole / connection node with amount of m2 mapped to it.

When implementing this feature it should be tested on various 1D/2D sewer flow models to see whether this treshold doesn't result in too many warnings

arnoldvantveld commented 3 years ago

Hoi Jonas,

Your assumption is not completely correct. You are calculating the surface on swirls. However if you have large areas (let's say parking spots or large roofs) the runoff is not done over surface but through small pipes (regenpijp) or gullies (lijngoten). E.g. the largest area in my medemblik model is 18900 m2, which is a plausible value if I look at the model.

Ms zouden we nog wat kunnen toevoegen zoals, sum(isurfmap.percentage/100.0) as total_connected_polygons, dat laat zien hoeveel vlakjes er verbonden zijn aan één put. Zijn dat er héél vele, e.g. meer dan 100, dan is dat ook wel verontrustend.

Maar uiteindelijk blijft dit verhaal een kwaliteitscheck en geen correctheidscheck.