Open moxious opened 6 years ago
Tracked this down to this line in ExtractAPI.initialize();
-- so this is part of the external Tableau API. Hoping someone knowledgeable will jump in, maybe these libraries need to be updated, or they're not compatible with the JDK that comes in the neo4j docker image?
Does it work with a local installation?
My guess is there are no Tableau API binaries..
This is with a locally compiled copy. I'll go back through the directions again and give it another shot to see if I missed something; I failed to mention I'm using Tableau 10.4.2.
I'm running this in a docker container, and still getting the segfaults. I've installed the binary drivers for tableau (linux 64 bit 9-3-1), and map them into my docker container with --volume=/data/neo4j/tableausdk-linux64-9300.0.0.0:/tableausdk
I configured LD_LIBRARY_PATH as per the docs with --env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tableausdk/lib64/tableausdk
Note that this path is different from what's in your documentation, you were looking for a "dataextract" subdirectory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH that doesn't exist in the files I downloaded. But the directory I'm using looks right, since it has the *.so files such as
Is it possible tableau has updated the SDK drivers and introduced some breakage here? Or is there a documentation step I've somehow missed?
This query:
curl -v --user 'neo4j:admin' 'http://localhost:7474/export/tableau/tde/MATCH%20%28n%3AMovie%29%20RETURN%20n'
Produces a segfault on neo4j server (enterprise) 3.3.0.
Under the following configuration: