neo4j-contrib / neovis.js

Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.
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[2.0.0] Node label doesn't accept newline character in a config function #198

Open aguinaldoabbj opened 3 years ago

aguinaldoabbj commented 3 years ago

Hi again @thebestnom,

I'm trying to build a label for a Neovis node from concatenating two node properties in Neo4j using a config function:

(node) => {['propA']+"\n"['propB']; return label;}

If I use the "\n", neovis throws the following error:

Function type property field must be a function

I believe these lines of Neovis code should be blamed:

    _runFunction(func, node) {
        if (typeof func === 'function') {
            return func(node);
        throw new Error('Function type property field must be a function');

If I try the same thing using backticks, like:

(node) => {label=`${['propA']} \n ${['propB']}`; return label;}

No exception is thrown, but weird stuff happens:


The funny thing is that both approaches work as expected in pure Vis.js...

Any ideas on that?

thebestnom commented 3 years ago

No idea, that's so weird. Finally will have time today to check that and Ill debug, can you send me a minimal working dataset? I can make one myself but it will make my life easier 😅

aguinaldoabbj commented 3 years ago

No idea, that's so weird. Finally will have time today to check that and Ill debug, can you send me a minimal working dataset? I can make one myself but it will make my life easier

For sure, it happens with the toy got dataset you used

toy_example export.csv I used this function for node labels:

(node) => {label=`${['name']} \n ${['name']}`; return label;}
thebestnom commented 3 years ago

tested now, didn't got the first error you got (Function type property field must be a function) also, this is what I get for

var config = {
                container_id: 'viz',
                neo4j: {
                    server_url: 'bolt://localhost:7687',
                    server_user: 'neo4j',
                    server_password: 'password'
                visConfig: {
                    nodes: {
                        shape: 'triangle'
                    edges: {
                        arrows: {
                            to: {enabled: true}
                labels: {
                    Please: {
                        group: 'community',
                        [NeoVis.NEOVIS_ADVANCED_CONFIG]: {
                            cypher: {
                                value: "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = $id RETURN n.pagerank"
                            function: {
                                title: NeoVis.objectToTitleHtml,
                                label: node => {
                                    const label = `${}\n${}`;
                                    return label;
                relationships: {
                    REAL: {
                        value: 'weight',
                        [NeoVis.NEOVIS_ADVANCED_CONFIG]: {
                            function: {
                                title: NeoVis.objectToTitleHtml
                initial_cypher: 'MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n,r,m'
